The dark of night…

Jan 7th – At what time does it get dark in the winter where you live?

Like 6p? The sun sets at about 5:30p and is full dark at about 6-6:30p.  Canada has a very dark and cold winter. Many people hate it but I love it. I could care less for the ice storms but yeah…

Today is computer maintenance I almost put maimtenance… argh!!! MAIM THE COMPUTER!!!!!! LMAO! Joking. I love my Lyric. <3 I might read some E.A. Poe today.. gotta love him. <3 Never mind S.K. Poe is the real master at horror. S.K. is just the tip of the iceburg. 

We have a snowstorm  coming on the 13th… which unfortunately is on a Friday. Imma hide under a rock that day. Fuck that noise. I broke my hand on a Friday the 13th one year! I have this. I loathe that day.

But anyways, yeah…

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January 7, 2023

gets dark here around 5 way too early

January 7, 2023

@kaliko IKR? 😮

January 7, 2023

I fell down when walking the dog once and broke my right hand. It was difficult to do anything, as that’s my dominant hand. It took forever to heal.

January 7, 2023

@darkmadonna I have arthritis in the hand I broke. 🙁 It sucks don’t it?

January 7, 2023

Yesterday when I was driving home at 4:45/5:00pm the sun was setting. It’s better than a month ago when it had already set.

January 7, 2023

@celestialflutter Yeah… it’s too early like Kat says.

January 7, 2023

It gets dark here around 6pm  in the winter where I live

January 7, 2023

@ladiwan Oh yeah? I would rather just live in a place like SK where there isn’t any DST.

January 7, 2023

the  dark   nights  i hate  it


January 9, 2023

@ihavenoarms IKR Todd?