Stuffed to the gills!!

Well, we had a nice outing. See pix here. Babycakes had penne alfredo, I had a buffalo chicken sandwich with mozzarella sticks, and Julie had La Cri, a deli sandwich with tomatoes, swiss cheese, ham and other meats. Very filling and very delicious!!
I am too full for dinner. So, what I’m going to do is this, since Babycakes is with her family for the night, and Julie is eating supper, I am going to watch Superbad, or play the Sims 2. I might just rest too… I had another late night last night.
Whatever I plan to do… I’ll have fun. Superbad is one of the best comedies out there. I adore Michael Cera… and the movie Jonah Hill directed (see featured image) called Mid90s is the best dramedy out there. Plus…
McLovin aka Fogell the fucking idiot… who oddly reminds me of someone…. but as to whom? I forget. I know that Michael Cera reminds me of my old friend Michael Dusenberg. Mike was cute, and he does look a lot like Cera in that movie. I kind of had a crush on him. (Mike not Cera.. well.. whatever!)
That was back in the 80’s. Seems ages ago… which I reckon the 80’s is. (30 odd years?) It was a wild and crazy time.
But, I digress…
We had a good time. I need some water and to take my insulin.