Animal Crossing

Has anyone besides @heffay2 and I played any version of this game? It is a rather interesting game. Some like Jeffy find it soothing or relaxing. I find it amusing. I have played the GCube version, the Switch version, the 3DS ones, and the DS game. You could say that I’m obsessed …. but tis a good obsession. Babycakes kicked @$$ at the GCube version… wow!!!!! She had something like 200,000 bells at one point? I’m good too but not that good.
I am currently playing the 3DS version. Fun!! There is a NYE party near town’s square so… I g2g. Next year (tomorrow!) I will restart the questions again. OK?
Love y’all.
I currently have over 3 million bells in my bank account

@heffay2 Woah!!!! That’s amazing Jeffy!!!
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