Proposal Daikusen

Dear diary,

Recently I just finished watching a really good Japanese drama called "Proposal Daikusen". It really moves my heart and makes me cry in almost every episode because it’s so touching. After watching this drama, somehow it makes me learn to treasure the ones I love more. Currently, I am listening to the drama theme as I write this diary.

It’s about a guy who love this woman very deeply since they were from high school, but he didn’t express his love even until the woman is getting married to another man. Yet, he was given chances to go back in time to change/ undo some of the things he regretted before, and express his love to the woman. Finally, he managed to win back the woman he loved after much obtacles. This drama sort of give me more courage to express myself more and do the things I want to do for the one l love so that I will not regret.

The korean version of Hana Yori Dango is showing in korea so I have been following after this drama. It makes me really excited like the times I was watching the Japanese and Taiwanese Hana Yori Dango. I am really very thankful that the korean version of Boys over flower was being filmed because it’s such a wonderful drama so far.

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