Tanked in a Tutu

The steampunk is growing:
Theme of the week: What do you miss from the time before social distancing?
Swimming. Which is odd, considering that eight months ago the only exercise I got was walking somewhere. But I genuinely have missed going to the pool these past two weeks. Oh, and not getting excited because I actually found a bag of rice in the supermarket.
One thing I’m not missing is how crowded shops were before.
I got myself a set of hair clippers today. I was planning on buying a pair at some point, but when I saw a pair in a supermarket for £15 today, I decided why not? And, of course I used them as soon as I got home:
And, no, I won’t smile.
I’m watching Home Before Dark at the moment. It’s good. I’ve also got bolognaise on the go. Not sure yet if having with rice or spaghetti.
The Government has admitted that they are considering stopping people going out for exercise, which is pretty much what I was expecting to happen.
I like your haircut…..
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