My weekend.

Over the weekend I:

Watched some BSG (including BSG at the UN), MST3K shorts and Cupid,

Watched Sweeney Todd, Hellboy 2, Idiocracy, Good Night, And Good Luck and Reefer Madness,

Got my TTZ thing written,

Got my ‘My life is a sham’ story done (usual drill, if wanna read and give feedback, let me know)

And stayed off the internet all weekend. And it was actually kinda cool.

Then this morning, waiting to pay for my Dr Pepper, a young kid (I’d say about 5) was exitedly telling his mother that I was definately a woman. Which made me chuckle.

Oh, and Check out B and D.


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June 22, 2009

So what did you think of Sweeney Todd? I just couldn’t get into it.

June 22, 2009

So what did you think of Sweeney Todd? I just couldn’t get into it.

June 22, 2009

So what did you think of Sweeney Todd? I just couldn’t get into it.

June 22, 2009

That’s a lot of films! And thanks for the article.

June 22, 2009

That’s a lot of films! And thanks for the article.

June 22, 2009

That’s a lot of films! And thanks for the article.

June 22, 2009

Cool whats your next TTZ article about? RYN: Oh I still got thwacked but not as hard as it probably warrented!

June 22, 2009

Cool whats your next TTZ article about? RYN: Oh I still got thwacked but not as hard as it probably warrented!

June 22, 2009

Cool whats your next TTZ article about? RYN: Oh I still got thwacked but not as hard as it probably warrented!

I trust that his mother put him right? 😉

I trust that his mother put him right? 😉

I trust that his mother put him right? 😉

June 23, 2009

oooer, fun for all the family.

June 23, 2009

oooer, fun for all the family.

June 23, 2009

oooer, fun for all the family.

June 24, 2009

ok, I loved J. Just Joss. SO hilarity xo

June 24, 2009

ok, I loved J. Just Joss. SO hilarity xo

June 24, 2009

ok, I loved J. Just Joss. SO hilarity xo