I tore my mind on a jagged sky

I need to dig out my old laptop. One of the bands I went to see on my birthday put out a live EP and it’s only available on CD. And I don’t have an optical drive on this laptop.
The sleeve is the entry pic. It’s delightfully home made. It’s two pieces of brown paper, sellotaped on three sides with the fourth held closed using a dod of blu tack.
I have been able to listen to it, using my DVD player. It’s good.
I’ve just bought myself a portable washing machine. It’s something I’ve been threatening to do for a while, but I had to actually do it. I’ve no room in the flat for a washing machine and the launderette is closed at the moment. And, though I can hand wash, I’d prefer not to.
Beyond that, not been doing much. Watching the weekly Frank Turner live stream. Rewatching Leverage. Getting into Motherland: Fort Salem.
Right now, I’m waiting for the Grand National to start. The actual race has been cancelled, but for the last few years they’ve also done a virtual race as well. So, they’re just doing that instead. I’ve put a couple of each way bets on (online, all the bookies shops are closed) and all profit is going to be donated to the NHS.
I’ll sign off with the late, great Bill Withers:
Are you also going to get a portable dryer? And the washer hooks up to the kitchen faucet right?
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I love “Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone” and “Lovely Day.”
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