I need a freaking drink

Bit of an odd way to send your message.  (Incidentally, whenever I see these, I’m reminded of a certain diarist.  I’m not sure why…)

So, for a while now, I’ve been having £5 a week taken off my ESA.  I knew I owed for a social fund payment from years back, so I just assumed it was for that and let it be.

Yesterday, I got a letter.  Detailing the money they were taking off me to pay off the loan.  Huh?  Yeahbutwhattheactualfuck?

Today, I phoned about it.  I was put from the number on the letter to a different number, to a third number back to a second one.  Turns out, the £5 a week is for a court fine from 2005.

This was a bit of a surprise.  Well, a lot of a surprise.  As far as I know, I don’t have any court fines from 2005.  As far as I know, I don’t have any bloody court fines from any time.

They gave me a reference number and sent me on my merry way.

Googled the number for the local court.  Phoned them.  The reference number isn’t one of theirs.  They gave me a different number.  Phoned them.  Got a third number.  Phoned that one.

Their systems are down, they took my details and are going to call me back.  On Tuesday, which is the earliest they can manage because of the bank holiday weekend.

The same bank holiday, mercifully, means I got paid today so i have lager, I’m going to have a can.  Or five.

It’s not all been bad today though.  I found somewhere that sells racks of ribs.  Which means I’m one ingredient away from being able to make slow cooked barbecue ribs.  I’ve been craving them for ages, so that gives me a happy.


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March 29, 2018

“EWS”  lol.

I detest trying to take care of any-frickin’-frackin’-thing over the telephone!

Good luck with all this mess.

March 29, 2018

Slow cooked barbecue ribs?  Man, that sounds so good!

March 29, 2018

Hey look! I’m famous! 😂