
So, I was sat in my room on Thursday night watching Famous, Rich and Homeless when my roommate came in and informed me that Michael Jackson had died.

I was floored.

I’m not afraid, nor have I ever been, to admit being a fan. I loved his stuff growing up and I still do. I remember waiting up to watch the premiere of the Black or White video on Top Of The Pops. He had an extremely fucked up personal life but I remember the music and the joy it gave me when I was younger.

Apart from that, I’ve been OK.

Not really done much, just the usual. Job hunting, sleeping, watching stuff I’ve downloaded (I have Virtuality to watch to night. Yay!).

One of the things I watched was Reefer Madness the movie musical. It’s great cos it’s cheesy and doesn’t pretend to be otherwise. I’m trying to pinpoint my favourite bit in it. I’ve managed to narrow it down to:

the use of the word transubstantiate in a song,
the animated bit about eating a hash brownie,
FDR, George Washington, Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam making an appearance or
singing Jesus introduced by Joan of Arc.

I think the latter will eventually win out though.

Finally found out when the Torchwood 5 parter starts on BBC1. July 6th. Looking forward to that. (Not to all Brit readers. Due to not having a TV, I will probably be about a day behind watching the episodes. So try and keep the notes section of my diary relatively spoiler free, OK?)
And not much planned for the weekend. Will hopefully get some editing done, though. I’ve had some great feedback on this story so I may have a lot of work to do. I’ll manage it though.

Have you heard? They’ve finally found the difference between men and women:



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June 27, 2009

lol at that last pic!

June 27, 2009

lol at that last pic!

June 27, 2009

lol at that last pic!

June 27, 2009

Transubstatiate! Is that on DVD??? 🙂

June 27, 2009

Transubstatiate! Is that on DVD??? 🙂

June 27, 2009

Transubstatiate! Is that on DVD??? 🙂

June 27, 2009

Hi! that Man/Woman pic is awesome and sadly so true.

June 27, 2009

Hi! that Man/Woman pic is awesome and sadly so true.

June 27, 2009

Hi! that Man/Woman pic is awesome and sadly so true.

June 27, 2009

I love that pic.

June 27, 2009

I love that pic.

June 27, 2009

I love that pic.

I’ve never really taken to Torchwood – I’ve tried but it just hasn’t really grabbed me. Not sure why.

I’ve never really taken to Torchwood – I’ve tried but it just hasn’t really grabbed me. Not sure why.

I’ve never really taken to Torchwood – I’ve tried but it just hasn’t really grabbed me. Not sure why.

June 28, 2009
June 28, 2009
June 28, 2009
July 5, 2009

oi !

July 5, 2009

oi !

July 5, 2009

oi !