Fun and games, folks, fun and games…
So, last Wednesday I made the return trip to Middlesbrough. Safe in the knowledge that it wouldn’t be as bad as the trip up
I didn’t start packing (as is the usual for me) until the morning of the trip. Thankfully, it doesn’t take me long to pack. This is what I took back with me:
See the green bag? Nothing but books. And I couldn’t even fit all my books into there, I had some in my backpack as well.
Got to the train station early. So I went to Poundland to get the incense tower I had seen a few days before. Back to the train station and onto the train. Here are some random pics out the train window:
Got off the train in Edinburgh. Messed about for a bit then went for a smoke. Checked which platform my train was due onto first. Platform 3.
Checked when I got back in. Platform 3. Went to platform 3. No train. Turns out it was platform 9. By the time I got there, the train had left. No problem. Went for a cheeky pint and then caught a later train. Just as the train was about to pull out, got a phone call reminding me of my appointment the next day at 3pm. No idea who it was. Turns out it was a4e, who the job centre have sent me to. I was asked if I had received the letter they sent, at which point I mentioned that I had been in Aberdeen for a fortnight and that the train taking me back was just about to leave Edinburgh train station (which it was, it started pulling out as we were talking.
Edinburgh – Newcastle no problem. Got some editing done on a story I had written (the one I was looking for feedback on in my last entry), watched Statuesque (written and directed by Neil Gaiman) and the season finale of Glee. Got on the train in Newcastle and finally back to Boro about 9pm (a couple of hours late).
Phoned my mum to let her know I’d arrived home safely and went for a drink. Got back to the house about 10:30 to see a sticker for a locksmith on my door. Tried my key, no joy. Knocked on the door, no answer. As it was too late to phone my landlord I phoned a friend to see if I could crash for the night. Unfortunately, she wasn’t feeling well and said no. No problem, phoned another friend and stayed at his.
Phoned my landlord the next day. It turns out that bailiffs had come round on Wednesday looking for former tenants of the house (my landlord knew this was the case as it was about a gas bill. My rent includes all bills) and the lock needed changing. My housemate had a key for me and was in. So no more pink leopard print key of doom :¬(
After opening my mail (which included Christmas cards from people on OD, for which I thank you all) I opened my birthday present from my sister and brother in law. Shouldn’t have done, considering my birthday isn’t till the 19th, but they should have expected it. It was a gorgeous shirt, which came in handy for my appointment. Got changed and went to the bank as it was payday.
No money. Bugger.
I had to go to the job centre to let them know I was back anyway. It turns out that because I missed my signing on Monday (despite the fact they knew I would be in Aberdeen) I wouldn’t get my money till I had signed. So it would be Tuesday before it went into my account.
Which left me with no money and no food (apart from a few rowies I brought down with me) until then.
I went to my appointment with a4e, the person I’ve been assigned to is actually quite hot, which is a bonus, and had to do this thing on a computer. It was a basic read the statement and score from strongly agree to strongly disagree thing. Some of the questions I could under stand (I have an up to date CV, I an mentally capable of seeking employment) but there was this segment in the middle with things like I am a solitary person and have few friends, I want to speak to someone about my mental problems, I have no confidence, I don’t like the way I look, etc. About 30 of the things. Not to do with work IMHO but more about discovering if I’m clinically depressed. Which I’m not, but the questions were starting to get me down.
I’ve to do it all again in about a month.
Made an appointment for my induction on my birthday and went home. I would have gone to the library to go online, but it closed early due to the weather. Texted a friend to see if they could lend me money to get me through the weekend and they said OK. So I went round to their house, had a few beers and a chat then went home with some money. Which I used to buy a parmo, as I was craving one.
Friday, didn’t do too much. Had a bit of a strange film double bill. I decided to watch Smokey and the Bandit followed by Mr Smith Goes To Washington. Good films.
Saturday went online a bit. Downloaded the new episode of Dollhouse (that was a bit of a shock at the end) and a couple of other things then met up with a couple of friends to watch Soccer Saturday, which was surreal as there weren’t many games on due to the weather. Then went to Scruffies where I had a bizarre conversation. I went outside for a smoke and put my hat on cos it was cold. Now, my hat has the Saltire on it. This random female asked me if I was from the X Factor, as that’s what it said on my hat. I pointed out it was a Scotland hat. Her response?
Are you from Scotland? Do you play the bagpipes? Are you wearing underwear?
Things got more bizarre from there. (Apparently, everything north of Edinburgh are hills and bagpipes.) Till then, I thought the strangest thing I would hear all day was a friend asking if JohnnyCash was from Birmingham.
Left the pub, went home, watched WWE Raw (still can’t believe I saw Bret Hart in a WWE ring again) and slept.
Yesterday I watched Hamilton – Rangers (Rangers were damn lucky), the Scottish Cup draw (which was kind to Aberdeen), Leicester – Ipswich (with a very early goal), had a few drinks and then home to watch Dollhouse.
And that’s us up to date.
One more pic: who says Boro aren’t involved in any big games?
1. Those questions started making ME depressed! 2. I thought you said you borrowed money and used it to buy a porno as you had been craving one!
I was going to say, seriously dude, just use the internet!
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1. Those questions started making ME depressed! 2. I thought you said you borrowed money and used it to buy a porno as you had been craving one!
I was going to say, seriously dude, just use the internet!
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1. Those questions started making ME depressed! 2. I thought you said you borrowed money and used it to buy a porno as you had been craving one!
I was going to say, seriously dude, just use the internet!
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1. Those questions started making ME depressed! 2. I thought you said you borrowed money and used it to buy a porno as you had been craving one!
I was going to say, seriously dude, just use the internet!
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What’s parmo and what’s rowies?
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What’s parmo and what’s rowies?
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What’s parmo and what’s rowies?
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What’s parmo and what’s rowies?
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lol i know what a parmo is (what a blast from the past it was to hear, well read, that again!) but what are rowies? .
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lol i know what a parmo is (what a blast from the past it was to hear, well read, that again!) but what are rowies? .
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lol i know what a parmo is (what a blast from the past it was to hear, well read, that again!) but what are rowies? .
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lol i know what a parmo is (what a blast from the past it was to hear, well read, that again!) but what are rowies? .
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I can’t imagine anyone feeling too happy after 30 questions like that.
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I can’t imagine anyone feeling too happy after 30 questions like that.
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I can’t imagine anyone feeling too happy after 30 questions like that.
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I can’t imagine anyone feeling too happy after 30 questions like that.
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Mmm, I love parmo. Reading your diary always makes me fancy a trip up North.
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Mmm, I love parmo. Reading your diary always makes me fancy a trip up North.
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Mmm, I love parmo. Reading your diary always makes me fancy a trip up North.
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Mmm, I love parmo. Reading your diary always makes me fancy a trip up North.
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I had to look up the parmo thing, and now I’m craving one.
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I had to look up the parmo thing, and now I’m craving one.
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I had to look up the parmo thing, and now I’m craving one.
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I had to look up the parmo thing, and now I’m craving one.
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