As it all burns down around me

Full pic.  All my con/festival lanyards.

I’m not actually done with the Bearded Theory pic entries yet, still got a couple of day to do.  I also need/want to write up my BT experience and the Lottery Winners gigs.  But, I thought a normal entry was needed.

If I had a penny for every time there was major political news while I was away to a festival, I’d have two pennies.  Which isn’t much, but it’s weird it’s happened twice.  Same is true about major political events and me being at gigs this year.

Yes, after there being a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson as Tory leader while on my way home from Live at Leeds in the Park and Slam Dunk North two years ago and the shenanigans with the SNP opposition day while in Newcastle for Beans on Toast in February, I was setting up a tent in a muddy field at Bearded Theory while constantly refreshing the BBC News app to find out if Sunak was actually going to call an election.  And he did.

July 4th.  The day we get independence from 14 years of Tory (mis)rule.  Thankfully, I live in a Labour ultra safe seat, so I don’t have to worry about tactical voting to get/keep them out  So, I’ll be voting Green.

Beyond that, not much is actually happening.  My sister is getting a divorce, which only seems to have surprised my soon to be ex brother in law.

I’m getting the urge to write some fiction again, I’m just not actually sure what.  It’ll come to me, I’m sure.

More pics to come.  In the meantime, I’ll just keep muddling along as ever.


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