A few things

First of all, to all of you who voted for which tattoo I should get next, thank you. At the moment, it is at stalemate, but it’s not too late for anyone who hasn’t to vote (entry title: Tattoo me!)

Also,thanks to the person who nominated my previous entry for RC. It’s been a while since that happened to me. Which led to something else that hasn’t happened in a while. Anonymous notage!

If this were about muslims you’d all be screaming

Actually, you’re right. I would be Screaming. With laughter Moments before I cut n pasted in this diary. You see, I am an equal opertunities offender. If I think it’s funny, I’ll laugh. Whether it be about Christians, Muslims, Jews or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Last a meme. Cos you can never have too much memes in life.

Ask me a question about each of the following:

1. Friends

2. Sex

3. Music

4. Drugs

5. Love

6. Open Diary

7. Spouse/SO

8. Kids

9. Past

10. Any random question of your choice

Then post in your diary, and I’ll return the favor!


Log in to write a note
March 26, 2006

1. Who is your dearest friend? 2. Which famous film director do you think has the most kinks in the bedroom and why? 3. Do you like the Arctic Monkeys as much as everyone else seems to? 4. What have you tried – what do you want to try – what would you never try? 5. Do you need romantic love to be happy? 6. Have you ever cut a favourite/blocked someone/stopped visiting? Why/why not?

March 26, 2006

1. Who is your dearest friend? 2. Which famous film director do you think has the most kinks in the bedroom and why? 3. Do you like the Arctic Monkeys as much as everyone else seems to? 4. What have you tried – what do you want to try – what would you never try? 5. Do you need romantic love to be happy? 6. Have you ever cut a favourite/blocked someone/stopped visiting? Why/why not?

March 26, 2006

7. Can I be your Internet Girlfriend? 8. Do you want kids eventually? 9. What was your most memorable Christmas? 10. Do you like The White Stripes?

March 26, 2006

7. Can I be your Internet Girlfriend? 8. Do you want kids eventually? 9. What was your most memorable Christmas? 10. Do you like The White Stripes?

March 27, 2006

always been more of a giles than spike gal m’sen thanks for saying it’s ok although i went n did it onywi

March 27, 2006

always been more of a giles than spike gal m’sen thanks for saying it’s ok although i went n did it onywi

March 27, 2006

nah mate, it’s a myth; just because it makes your pee have iron in it, you don’t actually benefit from the iron in it. disappointing i know. may i suggest spinach juice?

March 27, 2006

nah mate, it’s a myth; just because it makes your pee have iron in it, you don’t actually benefit from the iron in it. disappointing i know. may i suggest spinach juice?