
The temp was 17 degrees when I got up this morning. Now, it is a balmy 38 degrees here in the Midwest. The sun has been shining all day and melting some snow we’ve had. I am happy to see the sunshine as it always lifts my mood. We had an ice storm across much of my state. My town had rain which was good. A snowstorm followed with a few inches of snow, 6 I think. Now, an arctic freeze. And this is January. The days get longer past the Winter Solstice on December 21. I haven’t been able to tell the difference until today for whatever reason. The darkest days are gone.


I notice what goes on in nature and how it affects me. Last night, there was a full Wolf Moon. Each moon in every month has a name. If you follow astrology in any way, it was a full Wolf Moon in Cancer. Cancer is an emotional sign. I can say this moon affected me. Yesterday, I was alternating between laughing and crying.

I used to live in the woods. I kept a blog about it called “Visages From The Wood.” Now and then, I will add to my journal, this “Visages From The Wood,” but only after visiting some woodland area, park, etc., on a walk or hike. The writing isn’t the same it seems, not as thrilling to report in as it used to be. Now, I live in town and I’m not entirely happy with it. There is a lot about nature that is absent from me now, like birds that light on the porch, wildflowers growing in the yard, nearby rocks and boulders to sit or climb on, paths to trudge down, the sounds of frogs in my pond, the variety of woodland creatures I would see daily. Here, I can see trees growing around the place, crows and other birds, but at a distance. In the very early morning before the neighbors wake and head out to work, I can, sometimes, hear an owl hooting in the distance. I’ve been able to hear the caws of crows, bluejays, cardinals, a wren here and there, and some other bird calls I don’t recognize. I’ve seen the leaves bud on the trees in Spring, from a distance. The leaves fill the trees in Summer and mask the sounds of traffic, sirens, train sounds, ‘town noise.’ I find it more relaxing then. I have seen leaves bud on trees in Spring, fill the trees in Summer which mask the noise,  fall in Autumn, and watched the snowfall in Winter, the empty tree branches catching it. This has been my urban experience. It does not measure up to what I used to have, which leaves me feeling a bit empty. Should I mention the noise from neighbors? I’ve been looking for another more rural area to live in since I moved here three years ago. I haven’t found this place. When I hear the caw of a crow flying by, I wonder how it can exist with the noise of the town and especially the trains that go by. I am very close to railroad tracks. I don’t see them fly away when a train passes, as loud as it is. I’ve had to learn to co-exist with it too.


I realize I have to physically leave the area to be closer to nature. I have to travel somewhere else, to the lake, to a National Park, or just some random spot in the mountains, a feat others have no difficulty achieving. It used to be so easy to walk outside and there I was in the midst of all of it. I never took it for granted. This way of life kept me sane. It is great therapy. I don’t remember the last time my bare feet touched the grass. It’s called earthing I think.


For now, I’ll appreciate the sunshine, the snow that fell, longer days, viewing the full Wolf Moon on another cold and clear night, and watching the birds there in the trees, and learn more about co-existing.



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January 14, 2025

What a wonderful entry!
it was great to hear about your affinity for nature. I scare the same sort of affinity. I would love nothing more than to live closer to it. It’s not always practical in the modern world, but it’s a very pleasant dream. The sounds of nature at your doorstep. I’m intruiged by the fact you lived in the woods, and documented it in writing. It reminds me of Henry David Thoreau when he wrote Walden. How amazing that must have been.
it’s also cool that you’re into astrology and the moon cycles. I very much share that passion.

Modern life is so lackluster, in ways I can’t adequately convey.

January 17, 2025

@ashestoashes Thank you for the encouragement. I’m glad we share some of the same passions. I have “Walden” on my coffee table right now. lol

January 15, 2025

I so enjoyed reading this entry!  I’m also a nature addict and would give my eyeteeth to live year round up in the Sierras.  But I’m stuck down here in flatlands suburbia, where even glimpses of nature are few and far between.  Unfortunately for me, I doubt that I’ll ever be able to escape, given my age and my financial situation.  So I dream about it, read about it, watch it on the internet and telly — and that will have to suffice.  Keep on posting please!  And check out Oswego — he photographs some lovely natural places.

January 17, 2025

@ghostdancer Thank you for the compliment! Yes, we have to remember that sometimes we just have to physically go and find and soak in the beauty of nature. I will keep writing. 🙂