Win. And by win I mean FAIL.

Guess who’s got two thumbs and dropped her cell phone in the toilet today?

This guy.

It is currently sitting in a bowl of rice for the night, but since I’m home with my parents I really have no way to communicate with others or be communicated with except for through the internet.  We’ll see how it’s doing tomorrow, I really hope it works.  It was kinda working after I dropped it, at least I knew it turned on and went to different screens, but it lagged/got stuck a couple of times, and I didn’t try calling/texting anyone.

Anyway, I had a nice day with Vicki, hanging out at Pizza Hut and talking for a long time, and then doing a little bit of wandering around stores before I started kinda zoning out and decided it was time to go home.  It was fun, and I definitely miss spending time with Vicki.  Hopefully she comes to visit soon.

After that I spent a lot of time with my talkative shadow named Isaiah.  Mom is picking Natalie up from the airport tomorrow, so I’ll be watching Isaiah, which might be a disaster but I’m pretty sure will be fine, especially since he loves me so much for no good reason.

I drove him home so that Mom could have time to cook, since she also was cooking for tomorrow cause she won’t be home.  I ended up staying over at Jay and Hil’s place for a few hours because I really like sitting and talking with them.  Hil and I talked about random things, and Jason showed me some of Modern Warfare 2 when he got home, which actually looks pretty sweet, for a first person shooter.  We had dinner and watched American Idol, and I finally went home around 9.30.

So now I’m home mourning my cell phone and waiting for Nathan to talk to me since I can’t call him before bed.

Still a nice day though 🙂

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January 14, 2010

Was the toilet water at least clean when it went in? Hope it works!