Well hi there!

So I haven’t updated since the beginning of the month.  Last month, that is.

I’ve been doing stuff.  I don’t fully remember what, mostly work and homework.

Nathan was wrapped up in Rent for a long time, so I wasn’t seeing much of him.  I had some fun Girls Nights with Tiff and Audrey and the occasional Krispy and Susan as well, watched Project Runway almost every week and didn’t fail any of my tests or papers.

Nathan and I went to TSO at the beginning of November, on the 8th.  It was effing amazing 🙂

Well, you get the idea.  Afterward, Nathan and I had dinner at the Texas Roadhouse in Green Bay.  It was delicious, and we started the hour and a half drive home.

In the middle of the night, Nathan woke up and was throwing up every fifteen minutes through the next day, which was ACTUALLY our anniversary.  Also, I had left my cell phone in Green Bay.  Tuesday night, I had whatever Nathan had.  I suffered through Wednesday, and then drove to Green Bay Thursday afternoon to get my phone.

Not my FAVORITE anniversary yet, but the day BEFORE our anniversary was lovely 🙂

The production of Rent that Point put on was AMAZING.  I’ve heard nothing but good things from other people as well, including the man who directed the Broadway tour, who just so happened to be there on the second day.  I’m so proud of my baby, even if he didn’t do the DESIGNING, he did a ton of stuff 🙂

I had my choir concert last week… which has the potential to be my last one ever, since I couldn’t fit choir into my schedule next semester, and I only have one semester here AT Point after that.  Fingers crossed, I guess.

I’m watching Weddings from Hell right now, and it’s kinda wonderful.  I like seeing weddings go poorly, if only because it reminds me how crazy people get about weddings and how that will never be me or any of my friends and how lovely that is.  Plus it was clearly made in England, cause every single couple on the show is British.  Half of them have captions because they have such strong accents.  It’s amazing.

I only had 2 classes this whole week, and they were both this morning, so I’m gonna take advantage of this time off by playing video games that I haven’t played since summer.

Anyway, that’s pretty much everything interesting that has been happening.   Let’s see if I can keep up better from now on, shall we?  (I probably won’t.)

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November 24, 2009

well id definitely do yours for you for free even if its in 10 years and im all professional and what-not. and that sucks that perkins isnt doing so well. hopefully things get better. 🙂 ~

November 28, 2009

I’m glad you’re writing again! And I am SO JEALOUS you saw TSO!!! Bah! I love watching crazy wedding stuff…like the Bridezillas show. Although, i think I should nominate my mom. She is a total Bridezilla and she’s not even the bride. 🙂