
You know, I’d love to say that I’m just gonna stop writing in here cause no one reads it, but I could never do that.

I do it about 50% because I want to write in it and about 50% to get feedback from other people so I know that my life isn’t all that weird.
But I haven’t gotten anything even resembling that other 50% in a really really long time.  If you look, most of my comments of late have been from Audrey, and not about my actual entries.  They’ve been about things we do/want to do together, like in person.

Josie stopped writing cause she’s got two jobs now.  Which sucks, cause now I have NO IDEA what’s going on in her life, EVER.

I have plenty to write about, but should I really bother?  I mean, I already know what happened in my life, and I highly doubt I’m going to forget it anytime soon where I’ll need to come back and read it to find out.  And since no one reads this…. should I bother?

Of course I should.  I just feel dumb coming on here to check my notes every day only to see that I haven’t gotten any in a week, and it was only from Audrey saying "As far as I know I am free all day."  Especially when, not too long before that, I wrote about something that really really REALLY upset me, that I really needed some reassurance on, and not a single person said anything about it.  Even Audrey, her only comment was about how her couch looks like the ones I got.  Obviously, I talked to her about it in person and felt better then at least… but I dunno.  I just feel all… unloved.

The show opens in a week and I’m a little freaked out, but not as much as I was last week when it felt like we had nothing done.  One of my dresses suddenly magically fits (we couldn’t zip it up 2 weeks ago), we actually did choreography for some of the songs, and I’ve been attempting to "think sexy" which is way more difficult for me than I thought it would be >.<

Tonight, I have rehearsal at 7 but I have to go to the mall early to buy a special bra that has no straps or back or anything so that I can wear all of my costumes.
Tomorrow I have rehearsal at 7.
Friday I have rehearsal at 7, then I work starting at 1.45 am, and I stay there till 2 pm on Saturday because we’re short staffed so I offered to do a double.  It might suck a lot, but it’ll be much-needed money.
Saturday afternoon I’ll probably attempt to stay awake until the evening so that I can have a normal sleep pattern again.
Sunday I work at 8 am until like 3, and then I’ll have rehearsal which I should probably get to by 5 if I can, but chances are I’ll be late.

So yeah,  It’s getting down to crunch time.  I have a hair appointment on Monday at 3.30, rehearsal as soon as I’m done with that, and at similar times the following two days, and then on Thursday we open.

We’ll see how all of this goes, I guess.  I’m just not motivated to write anymore, I made myself all mopey.

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April 1, 2009

Manda, if you stop writing I will cry. I read every entry that you write even if I do not comment on it. And also, on the entry where you were really upset, I did reassure you on here by saying, “Manda, We can help you move, Corey has a truck!”. I wanted to talk to you more in depth about it later which is why I talked to you later on Facebook and why I texted you. You are very loved, andI am sure that people read they just do not comment. That is something that really bugs me to and I bet by writing about it here people will start noting again. I know that works every time I do it. I have felt like this too where, Why do I write if no one reads? Well, I know part of me too writes for me, but the other part of me gets upset when people do not note. I love you.

April 2, 2009

You have, but I love hearing it. I love you too.

April 3, 2009

Manda, Half of your favorites don’t even write anymore. Maybe you should go fave hunting 🙂

April 5, 2009

*HUG* I’m hoping to be around a little more. 🙂 Finally taking some time for me and realizing how sacred a space this is for me to relax my mind or engage my mind depending on the day. 🙂 I miss you, and I’m glad you are well. 🙂 *HUG*

April 5, 2009

i feel that way all the time, since the beginning. ive never gotten even half the notes you get. but writing in here shouldnt be all about the notes. if you like it, do it. if you dont want to, dont. i read you, even if i dont ever leave a comment. ~

April 6, 2009

*HUG* I wish you all the best in everything you do. 🙂 *HUG*