
I’m buh.

I went through all this hassle as far as getting into the WE section of my English 214 class, and none of it went thorugh.  So it’s making me crabby and not fun to be talking to, I’m sure.

Then I pick up my books to do the readings for tomorrow for my NOT WE section of 214, and I discover I HAVE THE WRONG FUCKING BOOKS.


So much for starting the semester out on a good note.  Although, I can now officially say that I have no final exam to show up to for any of my classes – all of them are either in class the last day or some huge paper due before the final.

I should really go to sleep or something, but since Nathan went to Menomonie for the weekend, I don’t think I’m going to be falling asleep all that easily in my own bed.

I hate being crabby.
Especially when Nathan’s not here to laugh at me and make me feel dumb for it, cause at least when I feel dumb  I stop doing it so much.

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January 22, 2009

aw, poor crabby manda *hugs*