Titles are easily the hardest part of blogging.

I’m happy to say I have almost nothing to report.  I like not being busy for a few days.

I mean, that doesn’t mean I don’t have things I should be doing.  Within the next week or two I need to

  • Gather a portfolio of my poetry to turn in to my professor (due Friday)
  • Write BOTH of my articles on my interviews with Pat Rothfuss and Mike White from the MREA (the second will easily be the most difficult, and I have no official due date, which is why it’s taking me so long).
  • Hang up my posters for rock climbing (probably should hang them tomorrow, so there’s a week notice)
  • Get my Degree Progress Report printed out for advising (by 3.40 today)
  • Memorize the poem "The Phantom" by Lucille Clifton and be prepared to explicate for the class.
  • Catch up on my Spanish homework (which I haven’t done since the last exam).

I know I probably work Wednesday thorugh Friday and Sunday (although the schedule for the work only went up to Wednesday yesterday, so I’m not actually CERTAIN of that, nor do know exact times).  I asked off for Saturday for the Tour de Nerdfighting is that day…. but there was a big sign saying NO ONE was getting off this weekend… so we’ll see.

Can someone else find me an apartment for next year?  That’d be super.  I’m sick of people not answering for me, and I’m sick of being the only making an effort; none of these people call me back.  I think it’s reasonable for me to wait another week, at this point.

I had CA group process on Sunday, and they told us we’d have our letters about who got the positions by Friday.  I’m not getting my hopes up.  I’m actually almost hoping not to get it at this point, cause I don’t think they’ll let me only CA for 1 semester, and Nathan’s not gonna wanna stay in the dorms any longer than that.  It kinda sucks…. if I do get it, it’ll be practically a life-saver as far as my student loans and stuff go, cause the actual Stafford loan I’m offered would cover tuition completely… I wouldn’t have to go through the headache of getting another loan again…  buh, I need to just stop thinking about it.  I’m gonna be poor when I graduate and that’s that.

I had advising with my education advisor last week and I have NO CHOICE but to graduate in 5 years.  Well, no, that’s not true – I could take 17 credits the next 2 semesters, then 18 the following semester (a semester they advise you only take 12) and then student teach.  So, rather than inspire thoughts of suicide, we mapped out my schedule for the rest of my career (something I really wish my first advisor had done with me ages ago) and now I’m not only going to survive, but I’ll probably be able to have a job and still manage.  Thank God.

I miss my kids.  Rayanne and Isaiah especially, but only because Naomi was about 5 days old when I got to school.  I really hate being away from my family, more than I thought I would when I was 18 and wishing I were in New York.  I didn’t really realize how close our family is (at least my dad’s side) until I was getting the e-mails about family gatherings that I was missing because I was here.

Jason and Hilary moved into our house officially on the first, so every time I call home, I can hear Isaiah babbling in the backround.  He could talk when I left, but only barely – he could repeat what you said, and he seemed to understand what you were saying, but he didn’t talk much without being prompted.  When I called last week, he said "Hi Nina," into the phone.  I think that’s what’s inspiring this homesickness.  That, Natalie’s birthday last Saturday, it’s all adding up to me being pretty frustrated that I haven’t been able to actually visit my own house yet this semester, for various reasons – I work, there’s nowhere for Nathan to stay if we DO go, etc.  But Thanksgiving is coming.  Two weeks from tomorrow, I’ll be home.

I’m sure I’ll be pretty sick of them after the 4 days I’m there, what with there being 5 adults, a pre-teen and a toddler all living in our house, plus the regular appearance of a 3-month-old and her parent(s).  But, for the time being, I’m really homesick.

… so much for almost nothing to report.

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November 11, 2008

Need help finding an apartment hun?

November 11, 2008

I help manda