That’s right.

Updating.  AGAIN.

I’m bored and going through some of my old entries (I was shocked to find I have 15 friends only entries cause, well, I don’t generally write about sensitive material).  I wanna bake brownies or something now, but think maybe that wouldn’t be a good idea, considering I can’t bake.

Just cause I’m updating doesn’t mean I’m gonna say anything interesting though.

I considered changing my colors and background and stuff… but I decided not to, cause why fix something that isn’t broken?  I still like all of this stuff; plaid is still awesome, purple is still my favorite color, and black still works as a background to compliment it’s awesomeness.

Nathan is in Michigan, and has been since Monday night, for the theatre fest.  They performed on Thursday, and from the sounds of things, kinda pwned.  Which rocks, but might really suck at the same time – if they win, he goes to the Kennedy Center two weeks before finals for another competition.  They find out tonight if they won or not.  I can’t even express how much I’d miss Nathan.  I’ve never been at school without him being in either Point or Wausau at the same time.  Somewhere within reasonable walking or driving distance.  I’m pretty sure I’d go insane with him out in Washington D.C. for a few days.

God I’m patehtic.

I re-read the last Harry Potter book this week.  After reading my copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard that Karen got me for Christmas, I kinda needed to – I didn’t remember ANYTHING.  and whatever I may have said before, I do love that book.  Maybe it all comes together a little too well… but I still love it.

Legally Blonde is at the Kennedy Center right now.  I wanna go see it.

Nathan and I promised each other we’d go see Wicked in Appleton in February… but something tells me we’re gonna be way too broke.  Which makes me really sad, cause I promised to take Nathan to Wicked about a month after we MET.

Hm.  Turns out there really aren’t any tickets left anyway.  Not that aren’t $140 each in the orchestra.  And uh… I can’t afford that.

I need a new book to read, maybe even one I haven’t read before.  Any suggestions from anyone?

I mean, in my ideal situation either a) Pat Rothfuss would finally be done with Wise Man’s Fear and be so smitten with me and my wonderful interviewing skills that he’d send me an advanced reader’s copy like… now or b) John Green loves the fact that Nathan and I have openly admitted to being in Nerdfighter-Like to his face and is so inspired that he writes and finishes his next novel and sends US an advanced reader’s copy like… now.

But that’s not happening, so maybe someone else has something in mind.

Wow.  This entry, along with all the Facebooking/Googling I’ve been doing, has taken me nearly an hour.
It’s just like the old days 🙂

I’m excited about using my OD properly again, but I can’t say with any certainty that I’ll keep it up.  I’m kinda ADD, as we all well know, so the chance of me being able to sit down for this long and just prattle on about my life and though process when there will be shiny things to play with is highly slim.

And on that note, I bid everyone a good night, although it’s still early, because I really want to get out of this chair – I keep setting off some of Isaiah’s toys whenever I move.  It’s getting old.

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January 11, 2009

Hehe, I think I have started an epidemic. I am happy. Heck, I have been happy pretty much the day I met Evan. I mean sure we have had our ups and downs but what couple hasn’t right? I really feel that we have grown so much as a couple and it makes me really happy and really comfortable. I miss you love. I think that next time we hang out we should make brownies. We need more just Audrey and Manda time. I say that we let the boys hang out at Nate’s dorm and then you and I go off and do our own thing. Oh, about the brownies, let us try it from a box. If we mess that up then there is no hope for us.

January 11, 2009

Yes.. Maybe… just maybe. 😛 And I agree. Once a month or ideally once a week. Even though we have failed at it before I think that it is important that we try it again.

January 11, 2009

I am listening to the first HP book in my car right now…and will probably go through all of them again. Its amazing, no matter how many times I read them, I still find new things I missed before…LOTS of foreshadowing! And yes, Green needs to finish another book. I think I might re-read Looking for Alaska soon. I just have an urge to read it…and its my favorite by him.

January 11, 2009

I like these colours, if I also didn’t secretly like green as much as purple, I would steal your diary layout lol