That was kinda nice…

Nathan’s been pretty sick again over the past 2 days.

Because of that, we (but especially he) haven’t been sleeping very well the last 2 nights.  I’ve been sleeping on the Burnt Marshmallow so that he can spread out.  I don’t go to my own room anymore, cause my roommate has a friend who usually stays in my bed – which I did say was fine, I’m never there.

Now, Burnt Marshmallow is a bean bag chair… but it has foam inside instead of annoying plastic beads, so it’s mostly comfy… but it’s not exactly bed-sized.  Last night I felt bad cause Nathan hardly slept at all, he kept getting up and doing random things, including laying with me on the Marshmallow.  Eventually I climbed into bed with him again, cause he said "If I can’t sleep anyway, I might as well cuddle with you."

Because of all of this… I slept until about 5 to 11… and my first class of the day was at 11.
So I just didn’t go.

It’s the one class I hadn’t skipped yet, so I kinda don’t care… and it felt good.  I’m still tired, and I can only imagine how Nathan feels, since he had to be to work at 9, but I feel better than if I had gone to class, I’m sure.

I go home for spring break tomorrow.  I’ve got a lot of homework to do over break so I don’t have to write any papers during the run of the show (I have flipping THREE papers due during those 2 weeks when I won’t have the opportunity to write them >.<), but I’ll also be observing in Ms. Stevens’ class I think every afternoon.  We’ll see how motivated I am.

Oh, and did I ever mention the absinthe?  I don’t think I did.

At the last minute, I switched shifts for Saturday so I didn’t work till 4 pm (and, coincidentally, made $110 in tips, which is more than I would have that morning haha), so Nathan and I went to Jen and Haakon’s and drank absinthe, Strawberry Hill and blackberry merlot.

1 – Absinthe is absolutely awful.  And I can even say that it’s not just Nathan and me being new drinkers and not liking the taste of alcohol – even Jen and Haakon couldn’t drink the stuff.  It looks cool, it came with nifty glasses and a spoon… but oh goodness.  I’m going to let Audrey try the stuff either tonight or tomorrow before I go home and maybe make Jason try it.

2 – Strawberry Hill isn’t much better.  Nathan and I each took a sip of the stuff before dumping it out (the entire bottle was only $3, as opposed to the $70 for the absinthe).  With both things, Nathan and I went in knowing we’d probably hate the stuff – we drank the absinthe for the novelty of it, we drank the Strawberry Hill because we’re true Nerdfighters, and John and Hank have both drank the stuff as a punishment on Brotherhood 2.0.

3 – I actually liked the blackberry merlot.  Nathan didn’t.  We tried to go get some Mike’s Hard Lemonade for him, but it was like 10 something by then, and you can’t sell alcohol, other than beer, after 9 most places.  So, alas, we have yet to find anything Nathan actually likes.  Looks like we’re sticking to non-alcoholic drinks from now on.  Darn.

I went out with Audrey, Evan, Tiff and Cory on Saturday night, since Nathan was home for baby Eli’s birthday and I have no life when he’s not around.  I had 2 drinks, the first of which I had about 2 sips of before giving up (a Mocha-tini, which had more booze in it than anyone else’s >.<) and the second of which I didn’t finish because the fizz was making me burp uncontrolably (Raspberry Schmirinoff).

So yeah.  I maintain that I don’t see what all the fuss is about as far as alcohol goes.  Everyone always told me I’d see what the big deal was once I drank, but I haven’t *shrugs*

But I did enjoy hanging out with everyone for once, so I’m totally willing to be the permanent designated driver haha.

I had choir concerts the last two nights, which was fun if you ignore the d-bag high schoolers that were there last night (talking, texting, being generally disrespectful, especially during the piece which was a memorial peice for a late UWSP professor).  Because of these choir concerts, I haven’t been to rehearsal yet this week, and I’m on break next week so I’ll miss all of those also.  At least I have it tonight.

I think I have a sprained pinkie toe.  Someone fix it.

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March 12, 2009

I think that if you like the taste of alcohol then you enjoy yourself. I do not understand those that drink just to drink. Yes, I have been there but that was years ago. I like to think I have a more mature outlook on life now. There is some alcohol I will not touch. I am glad that you liked hanging out with us, noone says you have to drink so we should do it again 🙂 I love my manda

March 13, 2009

In my opinion the college hype stems from the fact that you have to wait until you are 21 to legally drink. Also, I think that because adolescents have more freedom at college, they tend to abuse it if they had a sheltered life at home. That is why I believe in lowering the drinking age. Well, I flip-flop on that…. That is just my opinion though

March 13, 2009

yeah i never saw the point, unless you get really plastered and then you dont care… until you sober up. i think the sobering up part is really what turned me off from it the most (despite me only doing it, like, 3 times). really. it just sucks. anyway. let me know what days youll be at the HS and stuff. i work all 1-11, so if its morning times, i can probably hang out a bit. XD ~