Surveys aren’t for the emo (stolen from Josie)

*If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
My iPod (those few days I thought I lost it were torture).
My glasses (love them).
My giant coffee mug that says "Got Caffeine?"
A black mini-skirt to wear over my pants (you’re not allowed to put it on me without the pants or the doll starts screaming about her glow-in-the-dark legs showing)
Harry Potter, Name of the Wind, and an Oscar Wilde book (a recent obsession)

*What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
I only ever eat there on holidays.  So… turkey and ham, veggie and fruit platters, etc.

*What did you do yesterday?
Um…. I sorta can’t remember.
Woke up at Nathan’s and cuddled with him in bed… came back to school for choir… I can’t remember the evening at all.  Really.

*What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate?
Hm.  Someone I don’t get along with is what I’m taking that for… and probably ignore them a lot.  Or learn to tolerate them.

*What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Be pretty upset.  Have the awkward talk.  Find out why.  Give them one more chance if they seemed like they wanted it… otherwise, I guess give up.

I’ve never felt so depressed about something that didn’t actually happen.

*Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
Um no.  I rarely use Myspace, and when I do, it’s for surveys.

*I find the thought of childbirth:
terrifying.  I try not to think about it pretty much ever.

*Next door to my house is:
Houses?  And a bunch of trees in the back yard…

*My feet are:
Bare 😀

*Why is your number one myspace friend your number one?
Cause he’s my Nathan!  Duh!

*Know how to cook?
Not really.  Little things, but none of them are very good.

*I am annoyed with:
Not getting the CA job 🙁

*Name one of the Spice Girls:
SPORTY!!  Or Victoria C.  I loved the Spice Girls.

What was the last thing to make you cry?
About anything?  Watching a Gilmore Girls episode this morning.
About something REAL?  Yesterday when my mom told me my grandma has breast cancer.

*What are the stems on wine glasses for?
… holding?

*My favorite shoes are?
My Chucks or my flip flops.  Oh wait, are those all the shoes I own?  Yeah, pretty much.  So yeah.  All the shoes I own.

*Can you use chopsticks?
No.  Well… a little.  But not well.

*Do you prefer beaches or forests?
Beaches.  Forests are really pretty though.

*What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
Jeffrey Dahmer.  Probably because I watched that movie on him and when he put his hands inside that other guy’s stomach while he was still alive really screwed me up.

*Who knows a secret or two about you?
Josie, Nathan, Jaz… Vicki and Jesse know a bunch of the old stuff.

*Have you ever burned yourself?
Yeah.  Kind of a lot.

*Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Ha, I seriously doubt anyone cares enough to talk smack about me right now.

*Who is your hero?
My Nathan.  And my sister.

*Where is your brother right now?
I think at work in Brown Deer.

*Do you believe in things that last forever?
With all my heart.

*What are you listening to?
I’m watching Gilmore Girls because I like torturing myself and making myself cry when I’m already moody and PMS-y.

*What do you smell like right now?
Baby powder (my deodorant).

*Are you married?
No.  I refuse to get married till I graduate.  Too much stuff to think about.

*If I look in your glove box, what will I find?
I really have no idea.  I think I’ve opened it twice in the year and a half we’ve owned it.

*What jewelery are you wearing?
Earrings that Nathan got me (nothing fancy haha)
Nightmare Before Christmas ring from Nathan.
Nathan’s class ring.
"Real Love is Forever" ring
Pretty pretty birthday present from Nathan ring.
"Support Union University" bracelet
Purple duct tape bracelet
Cross/Our Lady of Guadalupe necklace.
Wolf/ring/"Believe" charm/heart locket necklace.

*What is something your friends make fun of you for?
My loudness?  My moodiness?  I dunno really.

*When was the last time you saw the second person on your top?
Never.  It’s Ima Robot.

*What is in your pocket right now?

*Where was your default picture taken?
My dorm room.

*Who do you know that is in jail?
No one personally.

*What was for breakfast this morning?
Breakfast?  What’s that?

*Something irritating about your living situations:
Little to no privacy.  Ever.
And all I ever get to eat is junk food.  I should weigh 1000 pounds more than I do.  Good thing I walk to class every day.

*Where are you right now?
Sitting in my dorm room.

*What was the most interesting thing that happened today?
I didn’t get the CA job I was hoping for.  So that’s totally killed my mood.  Plus, I’m super moody from PMS and I seem to be very aware of it.

*Your current relationship status?

*When was the last time you got blood taken?
I think whenever  I donated a Biolife last.  Which was a while ago.

*Of your friends, who has the best boobs?
Just kidding.  Probably… uh…  GAH, I don’t have enough friends that are girls that either a) I’ve seen in person or b) I’m close enough to that them reading this and seeing their name wouldn’t FREAK THEM OUT.

*What were you doing at midnight last night?
Getting ready to go to bed.

*Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
I guess only if you count Nathan.  Maybe Nick.  Or… someone from home.

*What were you doing 3 hours ago?
Opening my rejection letter?

*What’s for dinner tonight?
Am I even going to eat dinner tonight?

*What was the highlight of your week?
Surprising Nathan on Wednesday nihgt.

*Taken any medicine lately and for what?
Probably not…

*Would you rather have straws for legs or slinkies for arms?
Slinkies for arms cause Slinkies are awesome!

*Of your friends, whose car do you want?
…. Mine.

*What is the last issue you thought about?
dunno… how much I miss Nathan?

*Are you spoiled?
Lots of people think so…

*Do you fake bake?

*What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?

*Something you dream about most of the time?
I don’t really dream about the same thing over and over.

*When was the last time you hysterically cried?
When I got really worried about Natalie.

*Was anyone with you?

*What was the last thing you got in the mail?
My rejection letter.

Work and work.  I work overnight tonight till 6 am then I work tomorrow night at the Y.  Afterwards I’m going to see my Nathan.

*Who/What do you sleep with every night?
Stephen Alexander Lillypad III.  Nathan’s stuffed frog.

*Have you met anyone new in the past 24 hours?
Not that I know of…

*What are you doing after this?
Probably trying to sleep.

*The person you like is on the phone for 5 seconds, what do you say to him/her?
I love you more than anything in the whole world.

*What will you be doing at 8pm tomorrow?

*What are you saving your money up for right now?
A lot.  The Purple Bubble, my trip to Florida, a Playstation 2, the rest of my poor life as a stupid teacher because I’m an IDIOT.

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April 4, 2008

SHAME on you for not thinking of me when it comes to boobs! I like the first question the best. I wanna draw it out cartoon style. Or see the Amrican Girl version.

April 5, 2008

*Of your friends, who has the best boobs? ME! Just kidding. Probably… uh… GAH, I don’t have enough friends that are girls that either a) I’ve seen in person or b) I’m close enough to that them reading this and seeing their name wouldn’t FREAK THEM OUT. ummm… a) you know mine are. B) I totally would not freak out 😛

April 5, 2008

Sorry hun! I didnt know you worked. I thought I had time… sorry love. I love you@!

April 7, 2008

I cant eat anything. it sucks.

April 7, 2008

I love you. I am home now. I need to clean my bathroom

April 20, 2008