Survey… the only one I could find.

What are you wearing?
Capris (my first-ever pair, just got them like 2 days ago) and a Wicked Witch of the West t-shirt.

The last song you listened to was?
"Drunk Again" by Reel Big Fish

Would you sing the song you are listening to in public?
Sure.  I like it 🙂

Where is the furthest place you have been from home?
Orlando, Florida.

What is your favorite Sour Patch Kids color?
The pink ones.

Do you like mashed potatoes?
Um I love them.

Are your nails long or short?
In between.  They get kinda long and then break or I want to play my guitar so they go bye bye.

What did the last IM you sent say?
"Want to come to Polito’s?"  or something like that, to Tiff last night.

Any concerts coming up that you want to go to?

Do you have plans for this weekend?
I work overnight tonight and then I’m looking at houses with Pat again tomorrow.

Do you know anyone with a unibrow?
I do know a guy who shaves it so it doesn’t look like it, but yeah.

Kickball or dodgeball?
I’d pick kickball over dodgeball… but I’m not good at either.

What is for dinner?
No idea.

Are you different today than you were yesterday?

Doughy or saucy pizza?

Would you rather no heat in winter or no A/C in the summer?
Holy crap no heat.  I have blankets and extra clothes and a boyfriend.  You can only get so naked,

Do you like long hugs?

Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
That usually how I wake up.

When was the last time you sang an entire song?
Within the last week, I’m sure.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I have one… and I’d love another one, but I have to be careful about what/where it is.

What was the last thing you had to drink?

Can you watch scary movies?
Not really, no.  I get awkward and giggly and fidgety and need to leave.

How do you feel right now?
*shrugs*  Very meh.  Sad I can’t fall asleep so I’ll be exhausted for working overnight tonight.

Would you rather wash dishes or dust furniture?
Eh… neither BOTHER me, I just tend to forget to do both.  I’d say dishes, cause it’d probably go more quickly.

Can you write well in cursive?
It’s not particularly neat, if that’s what you’re asking.

Do you think things will change in the next few months?
I’m sure they will.  Hopefully for the better for everyone.

Last time you cried real real hard?
Not sure, actually.  A while ago.

Have you ever been lied to?
I’m sure I have.  Little white ones to really big ones.  But so has everyone else.

Do you wear make up?
No, none, unless it’s for a show.

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June 28, 2009

I <3 you very much as well

June 29, 2009

hahaha, i loved the unibrow question. also, i don’t know how i went the last year without open diary, i feel like a part of my life is back…

June 30, 2009

I just wanted to thank you for reading my diary and leaving a note.