Survey (half a real entry one back)

1) When you’re moving around in the pitch black dark, and you know it’s dark, do you move around with your eyes opened or closed?
*Wide open. Like it’ll help or something.

2) If you had to, would you kill someone else or would you kill yourself instead?
*It depends. Probably just myself because I’m a coward, I think.

3) Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever taken a piss?
*I’m not really sure how to answer that, actually. I’d have to say anywhere outside, since I’m a girl, but that’s not really weird.

4) Where do you wash first in the shower?
*My face.

5) Would you rather sit on a deck or a porch?
*Depends on the weather. Porch if it’s rainy. Deck if it’s sunny.

6) If you were driving down a road going nowhere in particular and came to a fork, would you go right or left?

7) Do you think a blind person can have an imagination (as in with pictures)?
*Not in the way we think of it. But colors and nifty things and the things they’re trying to grasp and understand, sure.

8) If you had a time machine and could go backwards or forwards in time, but couldn’t come back to your time, would you use it?
*Never ever.

9) Would you rather be unable to see, speak, or hear?
*Speak probably. I could convey my thoughts some other way.

10) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
*Potatoes. Or pasta. But probably potatoes.

11) Do your parents consider "hell" a curse word?
*Not really? I dunno, I try not to even say that around them. No matter how much they tell me it’s fine, I’m still all "but you’re my mom…" about it.

12) How did your parents tell you about the birds and the bees?
*"So, you know how Hilary is pregnant?"

13) If you ever came upon a dead body, what would you do?
*Freak out and call the police and panic.

14) Would you rather end up naked at school or naked at a mall?
*At a mall where I’ll hopefully never see the people again… and also be escorted out relatively quickly.

15) Is there anyone who can tell what you’re feeling at any given time?
*Nathan, Audrey, Natalie…

16) Would you rather drink too much and throw up, or eat too much and throw up?
*Eat. No hangover.

17) Are you the person who sticks up for "the wierd kid" when the cool kids are making fun of them, the person who sits back and ignores it, or the person who laughs?
*I’d like to think I was the one who stuck up for them… but I think I was more of the "once it’s over, comfort a whole bunch and be friends from then on" sorta person.

18) What is the last thing you found on the ground and picked up?
*My pants.

19) How many commandments have you broken?
*According to the Roman Catholic Church, 5. According to most Protestants, 6.

20) What kind of animal do you think you were in a previous life?
*Probably something really boring like a gerbil, since I don’t have the coordination or stealth of anything nifty.

21) Do you ever purposely do something mean?
*To some extent… not exactly often.

22) Would you rather be without a microwave or a refrigerator?
*Microwave. I like cold drinks above hot food.

23) Would you rather have sex before you married and be classified as a whore, or wait until after you’re married and be terrible at it?
*Ignoring what I’ve already done? I’d actually probably say wait. I agree with Erin, you can always improve.

24) Would you rather accidentally poke yourself in the eye or stub your toe?
*Poke myself in the eye. The wind gets knocked out of me when I stub my toe and I hate that feeling.

25) Why do you even bother with myspace surveys?
*Because I have no life, and because it’s fun to read other people’s responses.

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June 9, 2008

I stole it on myspace