So… it’s today. *edit*

I woke up this morning and, as per usual, wished I hadn’t a little.  Only because I was still tired.  Which really just means I can nap sometime today in preparation for work tonight anyway.

It didn’t occur to me till I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth that today was the day I get my letter telling me if I’m a CA, and if so, where.  It took me a little longer still to remember that I hadn’t been rejected already.

I had a dream last night that I only remember small bits of, but the one important bit I remember is that I got my CA letter, and it said practically nothing inside.  It had 3 names on it, the name of my Hall Director, the name of the new ARC for the building, and the name of the CA for my building.  My name wasn’t on the list, but some guy who I’m pretty sure graduated last year was listed as CA.  I was ticked.

But because of that, I spent the first fifteen minutes of the morning or so thinking I had lost the job to that guy.  I actually genuinely believed it.

I have Creative Writing in a half an hour, and we’re workshopping our short stories… let’s just say I know I can do better.  I wrote the whole thing last night, in something of a rush none the less.  I have another whole week before it needs to get turned in, though.  So we’ll see how that goes.

I’ll let you know if I really lost the job to Carl or not.


I didn’t get it.  I’m not as broken up as I thought I would be, but I’m still kinda upset.  I thought I’d be good for it, but I guess not.  I can still be asked to do it if a hall director changes their mind about someone or if someone declines the job.  Kinda unlikely, but we’ll see.

Really, all this means is I get to live with Jaz again next year 🙂

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good luck…hope you get it

April 4, 2008

I hope you get it! 😀

you know what else is today, the brewers home opener.

April 4, 2008

true, you have to find positives.

April 4, 2008

Sorry you didn’t get it, but hopefully someone will not take the job and you will get it =)

April 20, 2008

what’s a CA? <3