She lives.

It hasn’t been AS long as I thought since I wrote in here… but it has been a while, and I haven’t written about much but classes in over a month.

Right now, I’m a little flustered, since I AM a little overwhelmed with homework this semester.  But as of 11 am today, I had my first guiltless hours of laziness because I don’t have any homework to do in particular.  It’s nice.

I managed an A on my first biology test… so I guess I don’t suck at it as hard as I thought 🙂

Work has been a bit… blah.  I haven’t been making half as much money as even early or mid summer for a while now.  It’s making things a little bit more difficult for me, but I’m gonna live and that’s all that really matters.

I had to tell Nathan the surprise of his anniversary present 🙁

He has tech rehearsal for Rent on November 8, and that’s the day I bought tickets for Trans-Siberian Orchestra (and is the day before our 3 year anniversary).  I had to tell him so that he could email his head designer and ask to be excused that day.  Gary answers the email saying something like "Oh sure, I had friends buy me tickets to that same show, only I can’t go.  As long as your assistant can cover it, you’re fine."

So, surprise ruined, yet again, but at least we can go.  They’re damn awesome seats, second row of the first balcony right next to the stage.  Close enough to get singed by the pyrotechnics 🙂

Jason and Hilary have moved out of my parents’ house into their own cute little house.  Two weekends ago Nathan and I went home to see Jay and Hil’s house and to celebrate the September/October family birthdays.  It was fun, and I hate realizing how much I flipping miss Isaiah, Rayanne and Naomi. 

Natalie has already left, I believe, for Mexico with Josue to start the long drawn out process for him to get citizenship.  He has one court date nowish and one near the end of December.  They’re staying there through Christmas before returning to the states – which just means to me that Naomi is going to be FLIPPING HUGE before I see her again 🙁

This month is a bunch of craziness, it feels like.  Nathan and I are going to see Inspector General tomorrow night (after I work 5.30 am to noon – flipping buh).  Next Saturday is my Auntie Debbie’s "wedding" (they got married on 9-9-09 in a courthouse, and now they’re having a reception type thing).  The following Thursday I have a choir concert.  That Saturday I’m going home for the day to make tamales with my mom and aunt (Audrey, if you can you should totally come with me!).  And every weeknight after that, I have training for the job at Figi’s from about 5.30-9 or 10.  That weekend I finally have off (only it just means I for sure work all weekend), then the Sunday after that is Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

I’m tired just thinking about it.

I wish I didn’t need a second job so damn badly.

I still manage to get out and visit with my friends maybe once a week.  I went to dinner with Audrey, Evan, Nathan and Chris a couple of nights ago when my class was canceled, and then after that Leanna and Scott came over to play Fluxx and "awww" over our little rats while sipping hot chocolate.

Audrey and Haakon’s birthday is on Monday, and I’m pretty pumped about it.  It’s always fun when entirely too many of my friends get together 🙂

I feel like that was a decent quick update, considering the fact that I usually can’t bring myself to update once it’s gone this long since there’s always so much to say.

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October 9, 2009

Dude, I would totally love to make Tamales with you and your mom and aunt!

November 15, 2009

*HUG* I hope things have been great for you. 🙂

November 24, 2009

I am very proud of you <3