One of those days… :)

Have you ever just had one of those days where everything seemed to go right for you?

Last night I went to the midnight premier of Eclipse (I’m ashamed of myself, but only a little).

Somehow, the theatre managed to fill the theatre Tiff, Susan and I were in with nothing but mostly-mature people (when we went to New Moon, we were surrounded by 8 year olds who questioned everything that happened).  Not to mention, the movie was an amazing adaptation of the book, PLUS there was a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer to get me all excited.

I also snuck in an "Edward Cullen is a pedophile" joke that kept Tiff and me laughing for a long time.  It was nice.

I came home at about quarter to three, clung to my Nathan and slept perfectly.

Today, I went to my summer class (Detective Fiction, it’s amazing, I’m so glad I’m taking it).  I love the class, and I love the discussions we have in the class.  Even so, I also loved that we got done early, and I had time to bike to visit Nathan at work for a while before going home.  I played with my little fuzzlets Penny and Ellie, and then proceeded to take a good nap.

When I woke up, Nathan was home, and we cuddled while watching TV (because we got faster internet and also over-the-air cable, so there’s TV to watch again!) before deciding to get out of the house.  We wandered Goodwill and made fun of or envied the items alternately.  There was an $8 corner piece to a sectional that I super duper wanted, but there’s nowhere to put it in my apartment.  Either way, it was fun.

We then went to Fleet Farm.  Recently, I got 4 new tires for my dearest Purple Bubble, and in return they gave me a $75 gift card for Fleet Farm.  We’ve been going there every once in a while ever since to see if there’s anything we want, and aside from tools, there really isn’t.  However, we discovered that they had PS3s in stock.  Now, Nathan and I have been talking about getting one for a while, partly because it’s like having a Blu-ray player which, for like $50 more, also plays really sweet games, and partly because Ben (one of Nathan’s co-workers and a good friend of ours) got us hooked on Little Big Planet and Fat Princess.

So, after figuring out it’d be about $120 for each of us after the gift card…. we got it.

We joked with the cashier about how this is the third game console we’ve split the price on, and how when we break up it’ll be a pretty intense custody battle, got in the car, and giddily drove home.

While in the car, I was posting my obligatory "Manda Hoerter may or may not have just bought a (insert game console here)" that I’ve done for both the Wii and the360 before now, and I notice Pat Rothfuss has a status up that says "I’m going to Emmy J’s to read ‘The Princess and Mr. Whiffle’ to anyone that wants to show up.  We’ll start at 7:00."  I look at the clock in Bubble and it’s only 6.30, so I read it to Nathan, and we decide to go.

We go home, drop off the PS3, grab my copy of "The Princess and Mr. Whiffle" for Pat to sign, and then bike over, because it was truly a beautiful day outside.  We got there, and the first person we see is Sarah (Pat’s girlfriend) and little Oot (Pat’s son, whose name is not really Oot, but he doesn’t want it paraded around the internets).  Oot gave me a little smile, and we chatted while  waiting to order some delicious delicious coffee and smoothies.

After that, it was us, 4 people who happened to be in the area from Texas, and one previous student of Pat’s who ended up leaving a little early.  Pat read the book (amazing) and told us some of the deep, dark bits about it (also amazing).  Then he just opened it up to us for questions and comments.  He explained to us how the calendar in the book works (which I asked him about like 3 years ago), the monetary systems (effing COMPLEX, it’s developed so deeply beyond what’s in the book), and pronunciations.  We also just, you know, chatted.  Oot was sitting right next to Nathan and me, so we kinda played with him while listening, too.  Sarah mostly played with him while listening, but he was just so damn cute, he even won Nathan over 😉

Pat signed my copy of the book, officially asked Nathan to beta read Wise Man’s Fear, and was just all-around cool to hang out with.

So now, I’m home.  I’m setting up my PS3, right next to the Wii and the 360.  I’m  patiently waiting for tomorrow (for, alas, it’s too late now) to go be reckless and buy Little Big Planet and sign up for one of those Game Stop Edge cards (now that we own all current generation game consoles, it kinda makes sense).  I’m slightly sad, because Tiff, Audrey, Susan and I were going to go out for drinks tonight, but all of us ended up being busy at the time.  I saw all of them yesterday or the day before, though, so all in all, I think you can call today a perfect day.


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July 6, 2010

That sounds like a greeeaat day!