Oh goodness.

Well, apparently, if you complain loudly enough, the world pities you and sends you happiness.

Two days ago, while I was at work, I got a phone call.  I was in the middle of a ten hour shift from 5pm – 3am, and it was about 10 pm.  I obviously couldn’t answer, since I was in the middle of a shift, but I got a quick break about ten minutes later, so I went outside to listen to my voicemail.

I have a job interview on Tuesday 😀

I’m really excited about it because I really like this school.  I’m going nuts trying to get my stuff ready to show them. So excited.  Freaking excited.

Also, Nathan’s parents came yesterday and dropped off the new car.  We’re trying to think of a name for him – he’s kind of a little old man of a car, a ’94 Geo Prizm whose body is falling apart, even if he runs great.  I’m leaning towards names like Earl, Carl, George…. I like George, personally.

Anyway, I need to get my things ready for this interview.  I’m ridiculously excited 🙂

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June 19, 2011

Curious George. Not sure if he’s gonna run but curious about the ride? Heh Have a good one (Random noter)