My “Thank You” list

Dear God/the world:

Than you for coffee, and especially thank you for making someone crazy enough to look at coffee beans and think "I should roast these, grind them up, put them in a filter and pour boiling hot water over them and then drink it!"

Thank you for The Beatles.

Thank you for Danny, my student who does so incredibly well every week on our online discussion of The Color Purple.  He reminds me every week why I want to do this again.

Thank you for Reel Big Fish, and ska in general.

Thank you for this beautiful weather lately, even if I’m going crazy from the hot/cold/warm/FREEZING fluctuation.

Thank you for the entirety of Nintendo, and all that Nintendo has inspired since.

Thank you for John and Hank Green, and Nerdfighteria.

Thank you for Jane Austen.

Thank you for Pat Rothfuss.

Thank you for literature in general.

Thank you for Rayanne, Isaiah and Naomi.  I miss them a whole lot, and I just realized it was Rayanne’s birthday yesterday and I haven’t seen her in months 🙁


Thank you for Penny and Ellie, the two cutest pet rats in the whole freaking world.

Thank you for my canceled class today.

Thank you for the fact that two of my professors think I’m really something worth being excited about, talking about me and how great I am together outside of class, and then TELLING me that.

Thank you for Nathan.  1000 times thank you for Nathan.




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April 5, 2010

I am not, but things are ok for now. I just needed to vent.