My Harry Potter 6 review… and a bit ofl life.

I feel like Nathan, Tiff and I are the only people I know who were less-than-impressed with the Harry Potter movie.  Even taking away my psychopathic obsession with the books and such…. just as a movie, I wasn’t all that impressed.

The Good:
Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Maggie Smith and Alan Rickman.  All great actors who did well with what they were given.
The cinematography.  Some really beautiful shots in there.

The Bad:
Dan Radcliffe wasn’t HORRIBLE, but I’ve always felt he wasn’t as good of an actor as the other two, and he was even more overshadowed than usual in this movie, I felt.
The characterization of Horace Slughorn was nothing like he was in the book.  I was given the impression that Slughorn was charismatic and charming, with a bad attitude at times.  What I got was an almost nervous and awkward, bumbling man.  I didn’t see the relation at all.
Subtlety is now dead, my friends.  I was beaten over the head with everything they were trying to say, ESPECIALLY about the love story.  I know that, especially in this book, J.K. Rowling isn’t incredibly subtle about the romances, but I thought this was significantly worse.
The dialogue was often cheesy and I applaud most of the actors for doing the best with what they were given.  Rowling is very good at making the dialogue say a lot about the characters and the situation without seeming forced.  The best dialogue was taken directly from the book.
The scene where they effing burn down the Burrow.  It was pointless, to me.  Didn’t add anything to the story, except for an unnecessarily long run through some cornfields and a lot of cool-I-guess shots through said cornfield.  I figure they can’t really ruin the wedding at the Burrow the following summer, what with the fact that we never met Bill anyway, but still.  So unnecessary.
Scenes like that (for that wasn’t the only one, just the most silly, in my opinion) meant we didn’t get to see some rather important plot points, such as the memory where we see Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, and are made to understand that Voldemort would make Horcruxes out of Hogwarts relics.  I kept thinking through the rest of the movie that Harry would find a note or SOMETHING going "By the way, Voldemort loved Hogwarts and here’s what the other Horcruxes probably are: ___."  This might be the one where I’m being the most book-obsessed fan, but at the same time… apparently Harry will have to be psychic in the next movie.  They can have him figure out that Kreacher stole the locket and just make it out that we didn’t see it in the movies, but past that, he has NO IDEA what he’s looking for.

To quote Nathan – "I know what many of you will say. ‘well of course the movie isn’t like the book. It’s impossible’ and I agree. But this HP movie was like having Lord of the Rings and forgetting to mention THE RING. They’re on a quest to defeat evil and save the world and while everybody in the audience knows how it happens, there is NO WAY that the characters on screen could figure it out except by taking a week off from their quest to READ THE BOOK TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING."

This being said, I didn’t HATE the movie.  I’m still going to see the 7th movie(s), obviously – I’m just not paying the extra 3.50 to see it at midnight when I could just as easily be sleeping.  Nathan had to work at 9 the next morning, and I feel really guilty for bringing him with us now.

But I had fun 🙂  Tiff and Susan went with us and I liked hanging out with them.

I bought a few video games on Tuesday, so I’ve been playing them kinda incessantly ever since.  The one I’m playing the most is called Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure – with a painfully British professor who is looking for the Gentleman’s Suit, finding it piece by piece – the Gentleman’s Hat,  Pantaloons, Pipe, etc.  It makes me giggle a lot, but it’s also just fun to play.

Unfortunately, in the 3 days I’ve been off of work, that (and seeing Harry Potter) is pretty much ALL I’VE DONE.  I so need a life -__-

At the moment I’m updating mostly because I’m not tired, strangely enough.  Which is good, I suppose, since I work overnight tomorrow (Friday) night, so I need to flip my sleep schedule a bit.  But I highly doubt I’ll make it much later than 1 or 2.  It just doesn’t work that way for me.

Anyway… I’m gonna go feed my addiction again 🙂

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July 18, 2009

okay havent seen it yet… but… THEY BURNED DOWN THE BURROW?? what is the POINT of that??? and i mean, im never a huge fan of the movies compared to the books, and i try my best to disconnect from the books, but STILL. ugh. look at twilight. good movie, but im not obsessed with it. they just get worse and worse converting books to movies. if i ever write a book, im so not selling the rights. ~

July 19, 2009

i HATED all that lovely dovey crap that was added, it ruined what the author was originally going for. and that whole burrow thing, i was just like, ah this wasn’t in the book what’s going on?! you are very good at reviewing movies/books by the way. =)