Life keeps on going.

Well, I’ve been in the apartment for a while now, obviously – 11 days already.  Picking up the Uhaul was an adventure, mostly because there was something up with the connector on Mom’s SUV.  My brother Jason actually drove the truck/trailer to my grandpa’s house, where the two of them loaded up the trailer with my couches, chair, ottoman and dresser.  Jason’s friend took one of the couches, so we only have one in the apartment – which is okay, cause that’s all we needed.

I got to spend some quality time with Jason on the drive to and from my grandparents’ house (cause it’s a little less than an hour drive there from our house) and it made me really grateful to him.  We just talked about everything going on, and he made sure I knew that he was there for me – which, especially right then, when I was so hurt about Mom not helping me at all – although we DID use her car, without her permission, since she had been gone all week.

Move in day was also interesting.  Jason and I almost rolled away with the trailer trying to get the extra couch out; we were being very bright and didn’t have bricks in front of the wheels or anything.  Then Eric calls me to let me know that the muffler FELL OFF of his Suburban, which would be pulling the trailer, so we couldn’t drive at more than 55 MPH the whole way.  Then, Dan totally overslept and was going to be about an hour late.

I called Nathan to let him know I’d be late and that he would have to be the one to talk to the landlord and such, and then he tells me HE’S going to be late too.  And since my cell phone was a horrible broken-screened mess, I had to unpack my laptop and look up my landlord’s number to tell him I wouldn’t be there till at least 2 – which he wasn’t pleased about at first, but he made it work for us, cause he’s lovely.  While we were waiting for Dan, Eric ghetto-rigged his truck so that we could at least drive 60+ MPH, and on the drive we never got quite to 70.

After a little while unloading and setting a few things up at the apartment with Nathan’s parents, Eric and Dan, Eric and I dropped off the trailer, bought something to properly reattach his muffler (whcih conveniently didn’t fall off again until we were done unloading), and then Eric headed home, Nathan’s parents headed home, and Nathan, Dan, Tiff and I went to Perkins to feed everyone as payement for helping.

Then we drove Dan back to Germantown while listening to Harry Potter on Nathan’s iPod.  Dan slept most ofthe way, and I started to get almpost painfully giddy – Nathan and I really did this.  We really live together now.  When we got into town, Dan went home, and we had originally planned on going to George Webb’s for  food, but we ended up deciding to stay at my house for a while for a bonfire with Jason, Hilary and Rayanne.

I coudn’t really be any happier right now.  I mean, the first few days were almost hilarous with all the stuff we realized we didn’t have – garbage cans, a timer, a microwave, pantry organization, a vaccum… and we still don’t have everything.  Those first few days, we spent about $250 on miscellanious items for the apartment and a bit of food.

We’re finally getting all caught up with it, though.  I still have some things at home yet, but nothing that I can’t live without for an extended period of time.

Oh, and I’ve been taking my summer class for a week now.  I actually had to TEACH my class on Thursday – we were the first group to go.  Be glad I didn’t have time to update the 2 days I was working on this, let’s just say that.

But the most exciting news has yet to be announced – about a possible new job.

A few days ago, I was at work and Nathan sent me a text message that said "Pat Rothfuss is hiring an assistant.  YOU SHOULD APPLY!"  So, when I got home that night, I sent Pat an email, teling him that I would love to work for him, explaining how I can be a problem solver and I’m tolerantof cursing and I can dodge items thrown in frustration.

Last night, Pat emailed me back asking how long I’d be in town, and then asking for my phone number.

The last person to call me on my cell phone was PATRICK EFFING ROTHFUSS!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry.  I’m still not over that part.

We were on the phone for about 15 minutes, talking about some more details about what the job would entail, training and how long it could take, the fact that now that his girlfriend/assistant is pregnant I might also need to be something of a babysitter on occasion, and a little bit about pay methods.  He said to think about what I want from the job and shoot him another email later this week, and he’d think of more information I might need to know, and we’ll meet up for coffee on Saturday afternoon.

So… there is a very good chance that I, in fact, will be personal assistant to Patrick Rothfuss.

I’m a lot more calm now than I was last night after getting off of the phone.  Right now, my only concern is a) should I keep working at Perkins while I do this? and b) what if Pat is magically an asshole?  I mean, I’ve spent time with him before, and I liked him then, but he could ber eally different when it comes to business.  But I’m sure that won’t be a problem haha.

However, some of my idiotic giddy joy has been put into check.

Audrey was informed yesterday that she’s losing her job, and the school she teaches at is closing on Friday.   She just bought a car last week, and she and Evan are moving into a more expensive apartment soon.  I started looking up Montessori schools in the area, but I’m not sure if they’re hiring at all.  As soon as my class is over a week from tomorrow, I’m going to throw myself into this search with her, cause I know how much it sucks to feel like you have no way to make al lthe money you need.  I feel even more guilty because I forgot about it and was annoyingly giddy at her right after talking to Pat.

Also, Tiff broke up with her boyfriend on Friday (not that I knew that she had actually done it yet till last night).  She had talked to me about it on Friday night befoe we went out with Nathan, Audrey, Evan, Nick (who happened to be in town from Oshkosh) and Cory.  But I managed to check myself about the Pat thing for HER to talk to her about it.  She went out to Perkins for some desserts with Nathan and I last night and we got to talk for a while and be goofy together.

Audrey is probably coming over in a couple of hours to make cookies or something equally Audrey/Manda cheesy.  We used to cook/bake together every time we spent the night together back in Glendale.  I wanna do stuff like that again, especially right now, when we so need to be there for each other.

So that’s my life.  It’s going to be an interesting summer.

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June 9, 2009

I love you. I understand you being happy about the assistant job. I am very happy for you <3

June 15, 2009

gee. thanks. 😛 >.< ~