It’s gonna be a long week. *edit*

I’m really glad I got to spend my weekend with Nathan.
Even if I did sleep through half of it.

I made a really decent amount of money this past week, and I sorta spent a lot of it while in Wausau.  I bought Stardust by Neil Gaiman, I bought The second Phoenix Wright game (OMG!!!!  I HAVE THEM ALL NOW!), and I got a lot of food, as per usual.  I’m also planning on buying an outfit that I passed up on Saturday… cause I really really want it.

After helping Nathan out in the theatre for a while on Sunday, I came home and got ready for my CA group process.  From 6 to 9 last night we did a lot of group activities that I assume were to show our leadership skills.  We had to do little things like get people in a line from the side they were on to the other side with only one spot open, or rank floor problems in order of importance.  The last thing we had to do was awful though.  The scenario was that we worked at a hospital and had 6 patients who needed donor hearts but we only had 2 hearts.  They made us pick.  It was really really awful.  We seriously struggled, cause we had to have a unanimous agreement.

I find out on Friday if I got the job, and where.
I’m so nervous.  There are twice as many girls applying as positions open for them.
Cross your fingers for me?

It’s raining here today.  Which means it’s NOT SNOWING WOOT!
Even I’m sick of winter, so with how warm it’s been the past few days (mid 40s, it’s so amazing not to have to wear a jacket outside anymore!), I’m feeling so much better.

I work overnight tomorrow night, Friday night and Sunday night.  No more dinner shifts for Manda I guess.  No more sleep either lol.  But this time I don’t have class at 9 am the next day any of those nights.  I think I’ll manage it pretty well.

I want my Nathan here.  Life would be more fun if he were here.

I think I’m gonna go get ready for class.  I need to keep myself occupied this week.


Remember how I said it’s not snowing?
Frickin is.

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March 31, 2008
April 2, 2008

it was 1, I heard 2 is awful, which scares me alot!

April 20, 2008

rain n snow. =x *hides in warmth* <3