It’s funny…

I feel more motivated to write in my OD the more homework I have to do.  I’m pretty sure there’s a direct correlation.

For example, I have a short essay due on Tuesday that I really should at least START, especially since this professor has openly admitted to being a harsh grader of papers.  I also have to have a portfolio of poetry ready by next week to hand in to my professor so that a week LATER, I can meet with her and discuss it in depth.

But I don’t wanna.

I know I have all day tomorrow (well, from 10 am until 5 when Nathan gets out of work) so I really really REALLY don’t feel like starting now.

And all I can think about are the next 2 weekends.
This weekend is Nathan and my 2 year anniversary.  I don’t think we’re doing anything fun or exciting, but… it’s still a big deal to me.
And next weekend is the Tour deNerdfighting in Racine.  John and Hank Green will be there to talk about Paper Towns and anything else exciting we want, and I’ll be buying 2 CDs and other such wonderful things.  I can’t wait 😀

I’m sort of slacking on the "finding an apartment for next year" front…. because I’m usually actually busy.  And the 2 people I’ve been trying to get a hold of either haven’t called me back or are never there when I try to call.
I’m sorta getting sick of calling.  I just want it to be done.

I’m applying to be a CA too, though.  So we’ll see how that goes.

I’ve finished a few books lately…. I read Paper Towns by John Green, of course, and Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys (sad, sad book, I highly recommend it) and…. hm.  I know I read one other book, but I can’t remember what it was.  Maybe I’m making it up *shrugs*

My room is still (mostly) clean 😀  I have some clothes on my bed at the moment, because they’re my work clothes for tonight and the hoodie I wore today, but other than that I’m doing a good job of maintaining the semblance of cleanliness.  I’m proud of me.

Okay, I gotta stop…. cause I’ll probably go get lunch soon 🙂

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you know what else is funny? Your face!!!! – Eric

November 6, 2008

Is that the same “Racine” that’s referenced in “A League of Their Own?” Cause I effin love that movie. And you. Love you too. And I love when you have homework..cause then you write more. <3