It’ll just be a quickie!

Last night was opening night.

As if it were an omen, we managed to talk about Nazi’s (and I managed to just barely contain my laughter) in all of my classes yesterday.  The best one was in English 385, we were talking about a poem about the German Expressionist movement, which was right after WWI and all "Germany sucks, life sucks, things are dark, dreary and depressing."  My professor goes "Naturally, Hitler hated this movement, himself being a terrific painter."

Then I think "He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon – two coats!"

Gone.  Full-on laughter in the middle of class.

Anyway, opening night went WONDERFULLY.  Sometime duringthe second act a piece of our set broke which…. uh… sucks.  But we worked with it and got through the night with very few to no other misshaps.  Jenna (Hold-Me, Touch-Me, who’s the incredibly sex addicted old lady whom I’m quoting in my entry title) and Tucker (Franz Liebkind, who was the one who said Hitler was a terrific painter, painting that apartment) totally stole the show… and it was awesome.

So tonight Nathan’s family, Krispy and Bill are coming.  I’m really excited πŸ˜€

I should probably go find sustinence.  I’ve been failing on the "eating regularly" basis this week, and it’s just gonna get worse I think.  Except for Easter, of course, since I’m heading home to see the family for the day πŸ™‚

<3 Ulla Inga Hansen Bensen Yansen Tallen Hallen Svaden Swanson

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April 10, 2009

We are going home next weekend. Maybe another time