It’ll get better.

Nothing happens to me worth talking about anymore.

I went to work, I made some money, I put it in the bank, I slept, I went to class.  Repeat x4.

Today was my "day off."  I only had one class this morning from 9-10, and did very little IN that class.  I ran a few errands, including switching some of my money from singles to larger bills so I could give Nathan money for the cell phone bill, and even paid the last bit of my tuition.

I had Noodles with the Nathan for lunch before letting ResNet steal him from me yet again, and then came home and cleaned the hell out of my room.

It feels much better now.  I let it get trashed before because I wasn’t spending any time in here anyway, so why should I care?  But after sleeping here for a few nights… I really couldn’t take it anymore.

I got a free chair over move in weekend, and once it was put together I immediately understood why it was free… so I’ll be throwing that away this afternoon as well.  Unless someone else magically wants it.

My plan at the moment is to go over to Audrey’s later tonight for brownies.  We were supposed to bake brownies together the first weekend I got here.  But nothing doing – I was scheduled to work, plus I had Pointer Pals, plus we both usually fail at staying up late.  But tonight, the THEATRE department is stealing my Nathan at 7, and while I was going to go see Wall-E in the university theatre with Leanna and Scott… it’d be awkward to go without him.  So I’m gonna bake brownies with Auds instead 🙂

I was going to go as soon as she got home from work, but she still hasn’t let me know when she’s gonna be there, and Nathan’s got a whole 3 hours free from 4 to 7, so I kinda wanna spend some time with him first.

Maybe I’ll bring the Wii over to Audrey’s…

I still have about 3 weeks before I’ll know if I got into the School of Education… which is nerve-wrecking.  I’ve (semi) spontaneously decided to go to law school once I graduate if this falls through – you’re only allowed to apply twice, period, and I’ll take that second chance, but it’ll be hard to have any kind of motivation if I don’t get in now.

The law school idea isn’t as random as it seems.  Audrey may be the only person who’s known me long enough to know this, but I really really really wanted to be a lawyer until a little into high school.  And I never really stopped LIKING the idea… I just thought I wouldn’t be very good at it.  But I don’t think I’d make a very good teacher either at this point.

But I don’t think I won’t get into the School of Education.  I’m not TOO concerned.  It’s just a precaution, I suppose.

You know what?  I hope Bartholomew the Bat comes back this year.  He was adorable.

It’s almost 4… I should probably get ready to go.

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October 3, 2008

sounds as eventful as most of mine are.

October 4, 2008

I totally remember the lawyer thing 🙂

October 17, 2008

I love how you think you’re not interesting. It’s cute. <3