Isn’t vision great?

Man have I been appreciating my newfound vision today.

My lenses are curved, so last night and a good part of today I was a little disoriented, feeling like I was in a fishbowl, while my eyes adjusted.  But I’m good now, and I can’t get over how much I flipping love these glasses.

Today was my last day at work, probably ever.  Once again, I started my morning shoveling and salting, my back KILLS after yesterday.  I made cookies last night, and they were gone before lunchtime.  Jolene, the girl who essentially replaced me, baked some cookies too, plus brought in white chocolate covered pretzels.  After that, I was doing putzy things, as I have been all break, in the office before finally heading out.

I was going to go to Laudani’s tonight but…  gah, I just don’t feel like it.  I should, cause Nathan’s out with his friends having a House party (watching House all day), so if I don’t keep myself entertained I’m gonna get pretty emo I’m sure.  I still don’t feel like it.

The weather here was attrocious today.  This morning it was snowing a bit, just enough for people to drive recklessly, thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal, then get into accidents and slow everyone else up.  I got to work early enough that it didn’t affect me, but anyone who had to be there after 7 am was at least an hour late, which was the case all over southeast Wisconsin.  It’s 1 degree at my house right now, with windchill it’s -16.

Get this.  Tomorrow, the HIGH is -2.  Not counting wind chill.

Good thing I won’t be outside more than my house to my car and my car to my building.

I’m so sleepy.  I have been all day.  I’m not sure what brought it on, but I know that, even though I have no reason to go to bed early tonight, I probably maybe might.

Well.  Maybe not.  I wanna talk to the Nathan.  Only 3 more days till I see him again 🙂

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January 14, 2009

I know what you mean about the sleepy part, I’ve been yawning all day, my bf tells me I’m probably suffering caffeine withdrawal lol I find orange juice helps (but not concentrate) to give me a boost

January 15, 2009

oo fun hallucinations!

January 15, 2009

snow! ahhhhhhh i wish i lived where it snowed

January 15, 2009

for some reason i thought you went back to school already. no clue why. but a bunch of us were at odyssey last night. laudani included. i got there around 930, and im pretty sure everyone had been there since at least 8, and we left at around 1030. it was crazy. ~

January 16, 2009

Whenever I get a new prescription, the ground seems closer xD <3

January 16, 2009

ryn- oh wow that could and not even snow! that is crazy! its 80 degrees where i live =[