I’m totally lost right now.

So… Six Flags was aweosme.  I went with Tiff, Kayla and Jake, Tiff’s brother (which was who I forgot).  We got there at like 9.30 and the park doesn’t open till 10, so we were good and close to the front when they opened it.

Usually on weekends Six Flags is kinda packed, even though it is only May and was kinda cold that day.  The park was kinda full, but we aparently had magical "get to a ride right before a whole mess of people" powers, so we didn’t have to wait in line for almost anything – we even got front row on Batman without waiting more than 10 minutes.

This, of course, means that later in the day when we wanted to go on Raging Bull one last time before heading home and there WAS a bit of a line, we didn’t wanna – we were too spoiled.

But let me backtrack.  There’s one coaster called Vertical Velocity, or V2.  It’s essentially shaped like uh… |__| that, and you just kinda get shot back and forth.

Apparently, it’s against the park policy to let you leave anything but shoes in the storage bins they have on the other side of the coasters now.  I had put my hoodie in there, along with my wallet and cell phone, and they pulled it out, gave it back to me, and I had to sit on it while I went on the ride.

And then the screen on my cell phone broke.

So, for the time being, all I can really do is receive calls and call people on my speed dial, because while everything works, I can’t see what I’m doing at all.  In theory I can send texts or call someone through my contacts, but that’s entirely too dependent on my memory of the button sequences that it requires.

I posted a note on Facebook pleading with people to call me, since I definitely don’t have anyone’s phone number memorized anymore.  Gina already responded and promised to call while she’s in town next week, so that’s one.  I also really want to see Dan, although that’s significantly due to wanting to show off Roxanne a bit, and Eric.

This has also been an issue because Nathan and I don’t really communicate through many non-technological means.  We text and Facebook chat, and then call at the end of the night to say g’night and then go to bed.  His internet is down until at LEAST tomorrow, and if he DOES text me, I won’t be able to see it, and if I were to text him somehow, chances are it’d be unintelegable – my phone has a habit of kinda lagging on the typing when it’s on silent.

As far as TODAY goes, I once again did pretty much nothing.  When I went to church this morning, Father Chuck said "Oh, wow!  Your hair matches your shirt!"  Usually it’s like a "Oh you’re back, that’s great!" or something but I clearly caught him off guard haha.

I taught Rayanne how to play some bass (how funny that I’m teaching her how to play an instrument I’m just a beginner at myself) and played a lot of Guitar Hero III – I only have 2 more songs to beat on my career mode, and I’m definitely not beating them anytime soon, although I didn’t fail till 97% on One by Metallica.

I feel like I may as well go to bed, if only because I really can’t figure out a whole lot more to do.  Maybe I’ll read, cause I haven’t done that for fun in what feels like ages.

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May 17, 2009

yeah im pissed about that bins thing. i tried to go on raging bull and they were like “you have to put your bag in the locker” and i was like “for a DOLLAR? EVERY TIME?” i just stared at them. i was really, really mad. stupid effing people. gah the phone thing sucks though. id cry a lil i think. ~

May 18, 2009

That is wierd. Sorry about your phone love.

May 18, 2009
