I suck at this whole “updating” thing still…

But I have an excuse.

I just finished Breaking Dawn.  I didn’t get to start it till yesterday after church, had to go to bed early (man that sucked), and had to work all day today… so I’m mildy impressed with my speed anyway.


I liked it.  It wasn’t my favorite out of the series, but all of them have sucked me in to the point where I can’t stop reading.  Some stuff was perceptibly hard to believe, but I still connected, emotionally.  Mostly I was around people while I was reading, so I didn’t cry too much (nothing could’ve made me cry so much as the entire second book anyway *shivers*), but  few tears plopped out once or twice.

I totally thought I knew what was going to happen right from the beginning, which made me sorta hesitant to read it… but I was wrong, so it was good.

Now for… Something Wicked This Way Comes and The Last Unicorn before they’re due back on Tuesday even though I have practically NO time for it >.<

I was made crabby this morning by the fact that there was a pretty bad storm going and it woke me up THREE MINUTES before my alarm was due to go off.  I could’ve punched someone, so maybe Nathan ought to be glad on this one occasion we weren’t sharing a bed, as he would’ve been rudly awakened for no reason whatsoever.

Backtracking some more… Natalie’s baby shower was really fun.  I’m sort of surprised, cause I’m used to these things kind of boring me, but Hilary and I were in charge of the decorating, games and gift opening (so essentially everything but the food), and while I had no CLUE as to what I was doing, it kept me entertained.  I saw a lot of my family, Rayanne didn’t irritate me half as much as she usually does (maybe I’m finally learning to tolerate her…), and it was fun to see Natalie so happy.  A few of her friends from high school came… people I’m pretty sure she hasn’t seen in months or years, for various reasons (even though 2 of them live in our neighborhood).  It was just good to see her enjoying herself with them.

My sister is the one with the Mother-to-Be tiara, button and sash.  I wish you could see how HUGE she is.


Oh… and my cute puppy Mocha.

Pictures compliments of Natalie’s friend Maxie’s LiveJournal.

I get to see Nathan in something close to 72 hours.  Thursday, right from work, I’m heading up to Menomonie to stay the night there, spend time with him, his family and our friends, and then on Friday we’re heading back down here to do about the same.  Rayanne’s staying the night that night, so we can leave bright and early on Saturday for Noah’s Ark 🙂  I’m excited.

Still no roommate assigned to me, although I DID get my parking permit in the mail today… really nasty dark-teal kind of color.  Blech.  It’s gonna clash HORRIBLY with the Purple Bubble, and she’s so queenie about how she looks…

Only 24 more days till I go back to school 🙂

I need to clean my room before Wednesday… >.<  I should go do that now.

*skampers off to probably read more*

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August 5, 2008

this is why working full time is bad for you, cuz you should not be that upset about losing 3 minutes of sleep. and i totally get that, i’d be angry too. your permits dark teal? mine’s for lot t and it’s like a lighter green color… i was wondering if they’d be different colors. *she’s so queenie about how she looks*… that made me laugh. i love it. have fun this weekend with nate!

August 5, 2008

yeah i agree with the book thing. not my favorite of the series and well… i dont wanna say anything to much but i was a bit disappointed. i cried a bit though. it was still really good. you gotta let me know when your free. gotta hang out a bit. ~

August 6, 2008

=x =x a baby is having a baby.. lol. I hadn’t seen a pic of her, she looks twelve xD I’m glad you had a good time! <3

August 6, 2008

i agree about it being ugly. silver was much better. i keep wanting to call you, but everytime i think of it, you’re at work or sleeping. and when you have free time, i’m working….