High school survey

Fill this out about your Senior Year!

1. Did you date someone from your school? Anthony Morgano…. holy shit.  I think it’s safe to say that senior year was the only year of high school I only dated ONE PERSON.

2. Did you marry someone from your high school? Nope, and I’m definitely not going to.

3. Did you car pool to school? Sometimes, with Anthony, using the parking spot I paid for -_-

4. What kind of car did you have? For a while, a frickin gorgeous Chrysler 300m… then nothing.  Stupid Natalie crashing my car…

5. What kind of car do you have now? 1997 Ford Escort LX… aka The Purple Bubble.

6. It’s Friday night…where are you? Either at work at Aldo’s or at Laudani’s.

7. It’s Friday night… where are you (now)? Either at work at Perkins, rehearsal, or home with Nathan (ordered most frequent to least frequent).

8. What kind of job did you have in high school? Pizza cook/waitress at Aldo’s.

9. What kind of job do you do now? Server at Perkins.

10. Were you a party animal? Not unless you mean Halo LAN parties or Guitar Hero parties.

11. Were you considered a flirt? Not unless you mean Wal-Moding parties.

12. Any high school regrets? Uhm… I’m gonna go with no.  Maybe I made some bad decisions, but I lived with the consequences.

13. Were you a nerd? See #10.

14. Did you get suspended or expelled? No.

15. Can you sing the fight song? Pft, I had to learn it in choir twice a year it felt like.  "Germantown, oh Germantown, we’re loyal to your NAAAAAAAME!  We’ll wave our banners, gold and blue, march onward to your fame.  Germantown, our Germantown, forever we’ll be TRUUUUUUUUUUUUE!  We’ll cheer you on to victory, we’ll fight fight fight for you!"

God I hated that song.

16. Who was/were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Stevens.  Hands down.  I also liked Mrs. K-Z, Amie, and Mr. Cannestra.

17. Where did you sit during lunch? At the round table in the north half of the cafeteria, closest to the pillars, on the western end of the room.  Bam.

18. What was your school’s full name? Germantown High School.

19. When did you graduate?June 2006

20. What was your school mascot? The Warhawks.

21. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Maybe.  I miss getting the excuse to hang out with my friends every day.  But I’m happy now.

22. Did you have fun at Prom? Sure did.  Maybe not as much junior year, what with Heather being mopey and my supposed boyfriend spending 80% of the night with her and all (although everything else was fun).  But senior year, being introduced as "Demetrius and Helena" and stuff?  That was pretty sweet.

23. Do you still talk to the person that you went to prom with? On occasion to both.  Not often, though.  One’s overseas, the other’s off being the typical college student, which gets old to hear about >.<

24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? Yeah.  It’ll make me giggle to see where everyone is.

25. Who was your secret high school crush? I was never really "secret" about who I liked.  And it was always changing – hence the shock at only having dated one person my senior year.

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