Has it really been that long?

I kinda NEED to update.  It’s been almost a month.  I mean, still a lot of it is "ugh, I worked, and it was boring" stuff, but not always.

August 2nd through the 7th, Perkins was CLOSED.  Which meant I was expecting to have to sit home alone bored all day for 5 days with nothing to keep me entertained.  But then Nick called.

Nick’s been living with his girlfriend in Oshkosh for about a year now.  But they’ve slowly been losing any kind of affection for each other, physical or otherwise.  He called me a few times to talk about what he should do, but what it came down to was more of a when was he going to talk and probably break up.  It ended up happening almost the next day, so Nick came to stay in Point for the week, thus keeping me entertained while I wasn’t at work.

Mostly we watched House all week, and one night we had Nick, Tiff and Jesse over for dinner and House before Nick and Jesse went to play Magic at Taco Bell.  We also had a Mario Kart party while he was here.  I had a fun week, at least.

That weekend, Nathan, Jenna, Lindsey, Phil and I went to Indianapolis to see Haakon’s last shows with Blue Stars, his drum corps.  It was an 8 hour drive there, and after a bit of drama realizing we didn’t have directions to the hotel or stadium but the center of downtown Indianapolis, we got there okay.   We got to semi-finals a bit late, but the shows we saw were awesome and fun even though there were 2 corps that did West Side Story shows T.T

The next day we wandered around downtown looking for food and fun things to do.  It was 80 some degrees out, which is over my tolerance by a lot, so at one point Nathan, Phil and I ran through a sprinkler going on the museum lawn.  We found a Champs and had lunch, which was amazing.  We had a "mile high ice cream pie" which was quite nearly a mile high.  It was HUGE, we were lucky there were 5 of us eating the thing.  After lunch, we went to the mall, mostly to walk off all that food we had just eaten.  Only I found something I ended up HAVING to have – Purple Chuck Taylors.  I bought them, checkerboard shoelaces, and socks so I could wear them immediately 🙂

We went to the stadium a little early to look at all the merchandise trailers, then headed up to our seats and watched finals.  Blue Stars actually went up a place from semis, and this was the first time they had made it to finals in I think 3 years, so it was super exciting.  After the show, we had to go find Haakon in the massive crowd of corps members and their families.  After quite a bit of running around, we found him and his friend we were also giving a ride, and we hauled all of their stuff to our cars and back to the hotel.

The next morning we set out at about 10 am, stopped halfway home for lunch with everyone at a place called "Woody’s Family Restaurant," and got caught in a storm around Madison before finally getting home.  It was a fun weekend, but I don’t think I wanna be in a car for that long again.

Although, I think I will be this coming weekend with Nathan’s family.  We’re going somewhere in Minnesota for his mom’s family’s annual get together.  My family just had one of those too, but it was the weekend we were in Indianapolis.  My family (Mom, Dad, Jason, Hilary, Rayanne, Isaiah, Natalie, Josue and Naomi – the whole clan) got to Point for it about an hour after we’d left it, and got home to Hubertus about the same time we got home to Point.  It was sad.

When we got home on Monday, we finally invested in pets; we got their cage and food and such the night before, and on Monday night we brought home Penguin and Elephant (also known as Penny and Ellie) the rats.

Ellie’s the brown one, Penny’s the black one.  They’ve been tons of fun so far, and I’m terribly in love with them 🙂

I worked a little last week, but not much till this weekend, so I got to go to the beach with Audrey one day.  We had sammiches and swam and just had a nice, lazy day.  we went back to her house afterward and had Tiff over for a while too.  We went to Perkins for some dinner and had an overall good night.  We got together again later in the week and went out for a drink, and I’m happy about it.  I love spending time with my Audball.

Last night we attempted to go out to the Sugar bar, just for a drink or two before meeting some of the guys for food at Perkins, but all of the not-shady bars were closed, so we just went straight to Perkins, and it was completely dead.  That’s how it’s been a lot lately.

Right this minute, I’m dying.  I woke up yesterday and immediately knew I was sick.  Now I’m just trying to make it through the day and hopefully feel better before work tonight at 4.

Wish me luck with that.  Nathan left me soup and remotes and video game controllers so that I don’t have to move until I go to work tonight.

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August 17, 2009

I love you Panda… feel better.

August 17, 2009

yeah don’t die. =(