
So, you know how I JUST posted a thing about not wanting Nathan to get me anything for Christmas?

He bought me Rock Band for the Wii while I was in class yesterday.

And I fully plan on rocking out tonight now.


In other news, I’m swamped with stuff, but either a) can’t do it yet or b) am waiting to do it till closer to when it’s due.


  • Two articles for Editing/Publishing – second draft of Pat Rothfuss article turned in today, first draft of MREA guy turned in today.
  • The book for Editing/Publishing comes out on Thursday – it is my job to deliver all of the books to our vendors, one of which is in Merrill and approximately 50 miles away from my dorm.
    • I have a choir concert that night which I have to be dressed and ready for at 6.30, and I’m not done with classes that day till 3.15.  Considering I have 4 other vendors to deliver to (including Point Brewery)… I’m hoping I can get someone to deliver the Merrill one.
  • Essentially, after that book comes out, I’m giving up my life.  Making sure every single book is where it’s supposed to be and gets sold and such things.  It’s gonna be hell, considering the week after next is finals.
  • Oh, and I have my 12+ poem portfolio to finish 2 weeks from now at 7.15.  We’re meeting at Guu’s, that bar I asked people if I’d be allowed in when I had my MREA guy interview.  I’m one of two people in that class under 21.
  • On that same day, I have a paper due by 10.15 am.  6-8 pages about three things we read through the semester.  I had an idea of what I was going to write about, and then I forgot.  We got our last papers back from this professor just last week – I got a C.  That’s the lowest grade I’ve ever gotten on an English assignment of any kind ever.  Not saying I didn’t deserve it, per se.  But I’m highly wary of this extremely important final paper now.

The articles I can’t do anything about until my professor gives them back to me on Thursday.  I have one class from 9-10 on Friday and no work, so hopefully I’ll get some homework done while Nathan’s at work and I have no excuse NOT to.  Although, if I don’t get someone to deliver those books to Merrill, I’ll probably have to do that instead.  Bonus to that – I get paid mileage, and it’s like $2.80something/mile.  Even just the delieveries all over Point should make me some good money.

I also work tomorrow (a really shitty shift, 2.45 to 6.30, when absolutely no one comes in, so I’ll make TERRIBLE money), Saturday and Sunday mornings.

What’s cool is I might be doing an internship for my Editing/Publishing professor next semester essentially just doing what I do for the class – delivering left over books, keeping track of them, etc.  But I’ll be getting PAID for it.  I’ll have two jobs, and I don’t have night classes next semester so I won’t have the burden of only being available like 4 nights a week (meaning I get scheduled those 4 nights) and I’m taking fewer credits.  Hopefully, I’ll survive next semester.

I need to feed myself before class starts in an hour.

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December 2, 2008

hi. grey, cold, damp day today, isn’t it? front page catch. interesting that you have show tunes on your interest list.

December 2, 2008

I spelled it right on facebook. Why has it been so long since I have seen my manda

December 3, 2008

what trend?

December 11, 2008

Wanna hear lame? I’m probably getting both Guitar Hero and Rock Band for Wii. Already got guitar hero world tour =) <3