Goodbye, summer…

I don’t feel like school is starting.  It doesn’t help that, since there’s no choir this week, I don’t have a class today till 5.30.  But every year before this, there was a sense of anticipation, there were days of preparation, I moved into the dorms and had a few days off between jobs.  Not this year.  School crept up on me, and I’m not really in the right mindset yet.

The trip to visit with Nathan’s family was fun and relaxing.  Over the 3 days we were there, we played games like Catch Phrase and Settlers of Catan, had one campfire, went to a water park, played some disc golf, played guitar and pretty much just relaxed.  I had fun, it was a nice break.

Since then, I’ve mostly been (ready for this?) working and playing video games.  I’m still going to the chiropractor on a weekly-ish basis, and it’s helping, but I’m still getting intense headaches and neck pains, and Dr. Sarah doesn’t really know what to do yet.  She did an ultrasound on my neck last week hoping it would help, and it did a little… but it still hurts.

I’m excited to finally be back in school so my life isn’t just work and being bored anymore.  I may even have something interesting to write about from now on!

Although, something did just occur to me.  The last 2 nights, I’ve had very…. sexual dreams.  Choose now whether or not to continue.

Both nights the dreams usually involve me being incredibly horny, and trying to be very sexy for Nathan (and, inevitably, failing, because even in my dreams I can’t be sexy).

First night, we decided to have a threesome.  I thought the girl (not a real person I know, and I couldn’t describe her to you now) was incredibly hot, and was really turned on again.  But even so, I wouldn’t let her touch Nathan, or vice versa.  Then last night, it was mostly just that there happened to be a very hot girl laying on our bed with us.  Her skirt went up and I thought it was hot that she was wearing black underwear, and acutally discussed it with Nathan… and then realized I was wearing old, holey orange underwear and felt stupid (though still horny).

I’m not really sure why I’m having these dreams right now.  Nathan and I aren’t lacking in the bedroom, so I’m not dreaming of more, and I genuinely hate the idea of a threesome, cause then Nathan would see another girl naked right next to me and realize maybe he doesn’t wanna be stuck with me anymore.  So what does this MEAN?


I did manage to buy Nathan’s anniversary present.  The last 2 years my gifts to him were big projects that took me months (the scrapbook, and the LED picture frame with the engraved plastic sheet).  Because of that, seeing as our 3 year anniversary is only about 2 months away, I was starting to get a little nervous that I hadn’t thought of anything yet, figuring I’d probably think of something similar to the last 2 years and not have enough time to do them.  But I’m a clever Manda and thought of something that involved very little work, but had to be purchased YESTERDAY just in time 🙂  I felt so smart.

I can’t wait for next week.  I’m dying without choir.  I might try out for some of the Point plays even though I know I won’t get in.  Maybe I’ll get a chorus part in Rent?  That’d be BITCHEN.  Better than getting a real role, as a matter of fact.  Then I get to be in ALL of the awesome songs.  Not that I should get my hopes up here, people here are too fucking talented, haha.

I miss Audrey.  We need to shop soon.  Just so she knows.

Time to finish the laundry.  Still have 5 hours till my first class, 4 till Nathan comes home >.<

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September 7, 2009

*HUG* I love how you put so much thought into the gifts you give him. *(HUG*

September 14, 2009

kay. I am getting better, but tea would still be awesome 🙂 love you