Good morning, starshine.

I’m in a decent mood today 🙂

It’s bright and sunny out, it’s Friday (although not a payday), and I bought those shoes yesterday, along with a purple shirt cause purple is a lifestyle.

While it’s only 8.30 and I still haven’t done ANYTHING (figures), I’m handling it better than the rest of this week.

We played the first thing that came to our heads,
It just so happened to be
The best song in the world
It was the best song in the world!

I’m definitely getting better at solitaire 😀
I remember I used to play solitaire every morning before the bus came, and whether or not I won my first game usually determined my mood for the rest of the day.  But that was way back when I hardly had to look at the screen, I went through a game in about 5 minutes max.  Those were good days.

You know what’s good?  Hot chocolate and coffee.  I know lots of people who do it, and I like it better at Perkins (cause they have better hot chocolate), but this is still good.  I’m still cutting back on coffee, cause it’s less coffee than I’d usually have, but it’s not completely cutting me off.

This whole "cutting back on coffee" thing is gonna go to hell when I get back to school, I just know it.  Sorry, Nathan.  But it’s so hard not to drink coffee when I’m at work.  It’s how I keep myself awake on overnights, and how I manage not to kill people any other time.

I seriously don’t like people after having been a server off and on for 2 years.  Nathan’s friend Chelsea just got a serving job and expects to be able to wear high heels and just LOVE it.  Silly ignorant little girl… she will learn.  When she gets her first kid who ground mac n’ cheese into the table or the first table who screams at her and follows her into the back to keep screaming at her… then she’ll know I was right.  People are assholes when they go out to eat.

"Who here has never waited tables a day in their life?  Okay… you people are assholes.  Everyone should have to wait tables for 1 year of their life.  So they realize their ranch dressing isn’t that fucking important."

Ah Daniel Tosh.  You are so wise.

I hope I keep updating my OD when I get back to school.  I essentially stopped writing half as much when I went to college, and that’s super sad.

To Do list for tonight (in no particular order):
1. Pictures of purple plaid heels.
2. Try to pick out my 4 pieces of writing for my portfolio for my School of Ed application.
3. Go over to Eric’s and have him double check that the Purple Bubble is okay.
4. Start packing?
5. Call Gina.  Cause I think we had plans for tomorrow…. I think.

Boy…. I wish time would go by faster.  I’m puzting like crazy and it’s only 9… ONLY 6 HOURS TILL I’M OFF FOR THE WEEKEND!

Only *rolls eyes*  That’s like a lifetime right now.

I’m pretending I have money and trying to figure out a trip to see Josie.  But I have no idea when to look for.  Random 3rd week in Janurary would be $172/person round trip (if someone would want to go with me).  I could do that one probably.  Only 4 hours on a plane, that’s not bad… buh.  I just wanna see the Josie already.

I still wanna dye my hair purple again.  I’m trying to think of a way to do it.  I have 2 years left where I might get the chance.  After that I’m gonna (hopefully) be a high school teacher, and it’ll be totally out of the question.  I’m taking advantage of my youth while I still can, dammit!

I might need to upgrade my iPod.  I thought I’d never use the space I have, but I definitely have.  I’ve already had to take a lot of stuff off to fit all my favorites.  Every new CD I get I have to cross my fingers that I won’t have to take more off.  But I always do 🙁  I never even managed to get the first disk of Rent on cause it wouldn’t fit and I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to take off before bed.

The phone hasn’t rung at all today.

Once again, it’s time to pull out the DS.

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August 15, 2008

hun, If I can cut back on coffee (which I have actually) you can. Know, technically I really have not cut back on caffiene all that much since I drink a diet coke or two during the day, but I went from 6 cups (8 0z so about 3 full cups of coffee) to 4 8 0z (so around 2 and a little bit). I have been drinking around one and a little bit in the morning. I kind of feel like I have a bit more control

August 15, 2008

over how awake I am. haha. Its kind of nice. I can’t wait until my manda is back in town! Brownies yay! As I said before you have seen the popsicle dress. Its yellow with sequin outlines of popsicles. I wore it to German town once. oo! I have really good hot chocolate at home to put in coffee and you should try some when you come over. 🙂 I really want to see your heels! I am sure that

August 15, 2008

they are very pretty. I need to get an Ipod. I want to be able to organize my music and actually be able to listen to it in the car. I also want to be able to downsize the amount of cd’s I have I do not listen to half of them and it would be nice to have them all in one place. So a mp3 player (does not have to be an Ipod) and a DS are my next electronic purchases. Not sure when I will be able

August 15, 2008

to afford that but I hope soon! 🙂 Well Manda, I hope that you have a wonderful day.I cannot wait to see you in a few weeks and I am counting down the days. Well…. kind of…i am not exactly sure on the number of days but I know it is coming up. I know you are counting down the days so at least one of us is keeping track of it right? I hope Manda, that you have a awesome weekend too. Love you