Freak out in 3… 2…

I signed up for my Praxis exam finally.

It’s on the 16th of June at 5 pm in Brookfield.  All three tests at once.  I’m not concerned about the reading or writing sections in the slightest; I’m pretty sure I perfected one and 35’d the other on my ACTs.  But the math section will TOTALLY screw me over.  I haven’t done math since I graduated high school.  Like, I don’t even think I can add properly anymore without a calculator.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, I guess.  Cause I sorta don’t have the money to do this more than once.

Work (now that I’m actually working) is pretty okay.  I mean, yesterday I got stuck doing planting in the rain and that blew, and then by the end of the day it was really gross and hot out so I went from being wet and cold to being hot and sweaty within a few hours of each other, and because of that I think I’m sorta sick today.  But not enough that I should be complaining so much.

I’m pretty broke for someone with such a well-paying job.  After paying for my snow tires to be switched out, my Praxis exam, and gas for the last couple of weeks… I’ve got $44 to my name.  It totally blows.  And I don’t get paid until June 13th.  This whole "not making tips" thing is really bizarre to me now.

But my check should be somewhere around… $600?  A little less, but not much…. and that’s not counting the money I’d be paid for mileage or anything either.
But I could be way off.  I do really suck at math, after all.

Last night I went over to Dan’s for a bonfire.  It was really fun; I got to see a lot of people I haven’t seen in ages and ages.  I had a really good time, and was there till about 1 in the morning… which is practically like staying there until about 7 am for me, especially nowadays.  I had a lot of fun, and feel kinda bad about not going over to Colie’s tonight to partake in another bonfire.  I just don’t feel up to it.  My body aches all over and I can’t breathe through my nose and it’s gross.

My obsession with ska has been at an all-time high lately.  Don’t ask me why, cause I sure as hell don’t know.  But if anyone has any ska bands they think I may not have heard of that I might enjoy, please tell me about them.  I’m feeling mildly pathetic because I only actually listen to like… 3.

Isaiah’s been here for most of the day today.  At least, he got here at about noon when I woke up (which was AWESOME, by the way), and now he’s staying the night.  He’s adorable, but in the dangerous way that makes girls want to have their own babies thinking (mistakenly, usually) that their babies will be just as cute and adorable at all times.  His giggle has made many a girl "awwwww" for extended periods of time.

I’m still trying to distract myself from thinking about the Praxis, cause 2 weeks is a long time to panic over something.  It’s not a long time to study for it, but above all else I need the time to be able to re-take it if necessary, and you can only take it once every calendar month, so… I only have like 3 chances.

Maybe I should go figure out what I should be studying, exactly…

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May 31, 2008

it’s ok. this is only a test. =)

May 31, 2008

It was kinda fun, and that means I did it. haha.

June 1, 2008

Lol, no panicking. *points and laughs* snowww tiressss 🙂