Excuses, excuses.

So, as I usually claim, I haven’t been updating cause there’s been very little to update about.

But I notice I haven’t updated since before Christmas, before I even went to Nathan’s house.  And I loved spending Christmas Eve with Nathan and his family.

I went up to Menomonie pretty much straight from work on Monday the 22nd.  The original plan had been to wait till the following day, because I had to pick up Rayanne from school AND get an emissions test before I went… but it was supposed to snow a ton on Tuesday, so Nathan convinced me to just leave that night.  I got to Menomonie after driving for four hours, getting there at nine, just in time for Monday Night Bowling for a dollar 🙂

I got to see Chelsea and John and Chris and Abby and a whole mess of Menomonieians (Menomonites?) that I hadn’t seen in a while.  We bowled a couple of games (I failed, Nathan pwned, as usual) and headed over to Chelsea’s house for a little while and poured over Victoria’s Secret catalogues.

I missed them.

The following day was spent doing a bit of shopping, renting movies, and finally sledding near Nathan’s house with Karen.  I missed sledding a LOT.  I went last year, possibly the year before, with Rayanne, and that’s it.  We had two tubes and a normal sled… and the normal sled got pretty much ignored.

Christmas Eve we lounged around, went to church, then came home and opened gifts.  I got nifty stuff, Nathan’s family seemed to love their gifts, and I felt really… at home, and welcomed.

The next morning we left kinda early for my house, and got there just before the rest of my relatives started arriving.  The gropu was smaller than usual, but the usual craziness still ensued.  Almost everone opened their gifts (Natalie was in Mexico at the time still), and I was really glad my family liked their gifts, cause I struggled this year.  Jason and Rayanne both got games for the Wii (Resident Evil 4 and Cooking Mama, respectively), and I was kinda worried… but they both were really excited.  I got my mom Bejewled for her laptop, and everyone in my family has become addicted, myself include.  And my mom gave me the title to the Purple Bubble, saying to consider her paid-in-full, plus some really gorgeous earrings. 😀

Nathan stayed for a few days, playing with Rayanne and Isaiah while I was at work on Friday, sitting up with my parents watching a movie when I went to bed early FOR work, that sort of thing.  I loved loved LOVED having him here – my parents didn’t even throw a fit about him staying at OUR house.  I mean… they made Rayanne sleep in my bed with me, but I lived with it – she only punched me while we were sleeping ONCE.

[Side note: Rayanne just made me a smoothie! 😀 I love her being big enough to do crap like that haha.]

Nathan had to be back to Point to work on his show that went to Theatre Fest the following Sunday, so I drove him up there Sunday, the weather beign too gross to drive him back to Menomonie beforehand.  We bought his new phone, an LG Glimmer, that day, which meant I finally actually got him his Christmas present.  I brought him over to Tiff’s house, hung out for a little bit, then headed home.

On the way home from dropping Nathan off, Audrey told me she was engaged.  I was so excited for her; I’ve been saying for ages that the only people I wouldn’t be surprised or almost dissapointed in if they got engaged now was her and Evan.  I can’t wait already haha.

Then I worked a bunch.  Since I’m "an extra set of hands," I’ve been getting all of the projects that no one else has had the time to do yet, which essentially means the crap no one else WANTS to do.  So work hasn’t been all that enthralling, although I did have a half day on New Years Eve and off on New Years.

My aunt, uncle, and two cousins from Mississippi were in town for a wedding that week, so they came to our house for New Years.  We spent the night alternating between Pictionary (with the board and pieces and everything), Bejewled and – get this – Rock Band.  I taught Mom, my aunt and uncle how to play guitar and drums (cause Dad already knew) and let them have at it.  It was hilarious.

Of course, me being as patehtic as I am, I was already kinda painfully missing Nathan.  His show had an open showing on Saturday the 3rd, and after a little bit of coaxing (an offer of a $20 loan), Tiff helped me decided to come up and surprise him.

It was pretty much a perfect night.  I saw the show, which is really amazing, and I spend the rest of the night and part of the next day with my Nathan.  It probably wouldn’t have seemed fun to anyone else, us sitting around at Tiff’s, then sitting together in her roommate’s room (who wasn’t there) watching Muppets from Space… but it was really wonderful.

I can’t wait till we get our place.

Since then I’ve kinda just been working.  Today was easily the worst – we have a new site that’s almost ready to open, it’ll be officially open to the public in February.  What I did was use a label maker to make 1"x1.5" clear labels with white numbers on them, one for each room in the new building, 103 through 290.

Then I went to the new site and stuck every one of those to the doors.  It took me a good 4 hours.  And, unfortunately, I’m probably gonna have to go back and do some more, cause there were rooms with multiple doors.  But hey…  I got paid $10.32/hour to do that.

I had an eye doctor appointment yesterday and, surprise surprise, my eyes have gotten worse.  But I was perfectly okay with that, cause a) I knew it already and b) while Nathan was here, we went to the Wal Mart optical place and he found me some really nice frames that I kinda fell in love with… so I was dying for an excuse to buy them.

I bought them today as soon as I had picked Rayanne up from school.

Of course, the brand name of the glasses happens to also be the name of some big Latin band, so I can’t find pictures of them anywhere to show you., and I obviously took them straight to my eye doctor to have my new perscription put into them, so I can’t take pictures yet.  But believe me, I will.

Thank goodness I get paid tomorrow.  I forgot that I did for a moment (even though the whole reason I didn’t buy the frames until today was because I needed to wait for just that), and I checked my bank account, and it said my available balance was -66.55 and I almost shit a brick.  But those charges (the frames and some groceries for my mom) won’t go through till the weekend at the earliest.

I miss Nathan.

…. did I just actually write an actual update?  About my life?  Weird.  I kinda liked it… too bad it’s kinda my bedtime, which is really the reason I haven’t been updating – I’d rather sleep.

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January 9, 2009

they are on layaway 😛