DePhoMo #9 and the most minimal of updates

DePhoMo #9: Emotions (2 of them)

Lonely 🙁

Happy 🙂

When I think emotions, I think "love" first and foremost.  And yes, it’s cheesy, but I love my Nathan and I don’t care who it bothers 😛



Anyway.  I never got to mention how great our Friends Thanksgiving was, or even how family Thanksgiving was.  We were at Nathan’s family’s house the night before Thanksgiving and spent the day of wit them, which was lovely.  I like his family a lot.  We came back to Point on Thanksgiving night so that we wouldn’t have to drive one 4 hour block the next day to my family’s dinner.

I enjoyed my family’s dinner too, partly because we have a huge family, and it’s fun being amidst all that chaos, because it’s happy chaos 🙂 My cousin Jake brought his girlfriend for the first time, and they walked in to seeing my uncles pelting my smaller cousins with M&Ms, occasionally hitting my dad, grandpa and me on the other couch as well.  I feel like it was best that she knew right away what she got herself into.

Friends Thanksgiving was last Friday, and I’m kinda proud of the bunch of low 20-somethings of us (and Janet haha) for putting something together at all, but we actually did a pretty decent job.  I haven’t hung out in a big group like that in a long time, and while sure, a person or two definitely got effing old by the end of the night, I had a ton of fun.  Nathan died of cat-by-association on about 2/3 of the people there around midnight, but I’m almost impressed he made it THAT long haha.

We were hit by some kinda freak blizzard last night, so lo this last week of classes has been burdened with class cancellations.  All this means for me is I acutally have to show up for more than one final next week because my once a week English class got canceled before we got to do our mandatory course evaluations or anything like that.  I don’t know why people wanted this, all it meas is I have more to do next week.

I have almost everyone’s Christmas gifts done – just need my dad’s gift, I think.  I can’t wait till I get my financial aid for next semester… and it’s not even exam week yet >_<

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