Classes and work and sleep are my life.

Well, as usual, I may have overdone it with my classes this semester.

But I shall overcome.

My two once-a-week classes, history and English, have me reading about 80 pages a week each, so I generally don’t do my biology readings, and my education readings take about 10 minutes.

My education class is pretty much the same thing as the one I took over the summer, only way easier and spread out over the semester instead of two weeks – everyone teaches a day (although over the summer it was for 4 hours – now it’s for about 20 minutes max, and over the summer we researched and taught on our own, and now there’s a lecture on what we’re teaching two days before we teach it, and we just sum up what happened that day), there’s a show and tell bit (which I already did), and there’s a lot of acting like we’re already teachers.

I hate biology. Just like I thought I would. But hey – I only have it on Tuesday this week, cause class is canceled on Thursday and lab is canceled on Friday 🙂

Work has been pretty bad. For a couple of months now, it’s been painfully slow. We haven’t had as many guests in a week as anticipated in about that long. I’ve been making really shitty money, and I’m falling seriously behind as far as my finances go. I love my bosses and everyone I work with, so I feel like I can’t leave my job, so I’m in the process of picking up a second job.

Tiff works seasonally at a Figi’s call center, and I applied to work there as well. You just answer the phone and take orders – Figi’s is a catalog – and that’s pretty much it.  The interview process is, in fact, just showing that you can indeed answer a phone and do what the person on the phone asks you to do on your computer.  You do this successfully, and you get the job.  So I’m pretty sure I’ll get it.  My "interview" is tomorrow afternoon.

The frivolities in my life have been few and far between, at least for me.  I went bowling with a bunch of people last week, which was awesome.  We had 8 people, played 2 games, then went to Perkins afterward.  I loved being out like that, and sincerely wish we could do stuff like that more often.  Also, I got to have lunch with Audrey yesterday, and it was nice to just sit and talk with her for the first time in ages.

I’m so ready to be done with this… and it’s only week 4 of the semester.

Someone magically fix things for me?

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September 24, 2009

LIAR! i never gots a phone call! <3 ~

September 24, 2009


October 1, 2009

she doesn’t want her husband to know