Bad Manda.

Manda no updating for long time.   Manda silly.

It’s not that there’s nothing to say, it’s that a) I’m always at Nathan’s and feel guilty logging him out of OD (although I just went ahead and did it today) and b) I sorta don’t feel like saying anything.

The Producers is going well.  It’s kinda a bumpy start, but we’re working on it, and hopefully everything’s gonna be fine (We don’t know for sure who our choreographer is yet, which is a little unnerving).  I think I’ve got all of my lines memorized, although I haven’t actually worked on any of my scenes in rehearsal yet.

My short story got mildly torn apart at creative writing on Wednesday – which is good, cause people liked the idea, just not how I did it, exactly, and I got some really good feedback.  I keep forgetting to give Nathan a copy in the hopes that he’ll help a little bit too >.<

Oh goodness.  I found another engaged couple that surprises me (although, I’ve literally never seen either of them since they started dating, so I can’t be too judgemental).
I think they’ve been together maybe 8 months?  Random guess?  *shrugs*  I’m becoming less angry like I was before and more dissapointed… especially cause I super-respected this guy, even though he’s definitely been known to rush into relationships.

My classes are getting a little bit more tricky as the semester goes on.  I’m almost never NOT working on a paper in my English 214 class (since it’s Writing Emphasis) – I turned in the final draft of our first paper on Tuesday, and my next rough draft is due on Thursday.  So about a week off of writing papers at a time.  Our next paper’s rough draft is due immediately after spring break, and the paper after that is due opening night of the show (so the final is due on day 2 of 5 of the second week of the show).  I’m pretty sure I’m just writing both papers over spring break to have done with it, since I won’t be working at all.

Oh, and work.  I essentially can only work Saturdays and Sundays.  It’s a little frustrating, but I can do it, I’m pretty sure.  I mean, other than gas, I’m defnitely not planning on spending much money on anything over the next couple of months.  Our first rent payment is due on March 1st, $295, and then it’s that every month for the next year or so (we have a 15 month lease, and we have 2 double payments during the summer so that we can have it over and done with by April).

Essentially, I’m trying to save up as much as I can so that I’m never flat broke, hoping I make enough that weekend to cover rent.  Right now, if I were to not work through the show at all, I could still afford the payments I have to make through the end of the show.  But then I’d have to work my ass off to make all the rest of them.  So… I’m gonna try to work my ass off DURING the show as well.

I work overnight tonight and tomorrow, and that’s it for this week.
From now on, I’m anticipating a similar set up.  I can pull off Friday overnights even if I have rehearsal on Fridays, cause we’re generally done by 10.  No one really wants to do overnights anymore, I guess, so we’ll see how it goes.

I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of this whole "not having class on Friday" thing.  It gives me time to catch up on things like homework or OD (cause I pretty much don’t have homework today :D)

P.S. Audrey I miss you.   You too Josie.

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February 13, 2009

I miss you too. Your rent payment makes no sense to me. Explain please. Love you manda

February 13, 2009

I thought I had lost all of those so I was happy I found them 🙂 Thank you manda

February 13, 2009

That is kind of weird though

February 13, 2009

I guess in a way it saves money.. in a way, but I don’t think I kind of like being able to pay monthly. Double rents do not sound like fun

February 13, 2009

I dunno, I don’t think so. I just find it wierd they make you pay when you are not living there yet

February 13, 2009

I love free days. They rock so much. 🙂

February 14, 2009

agree with Audrey. rent payment confusing. is that IT every month, and is there anything even included with that cuz siriusly, if i could get that kinda payment, itd rock. ~