A thorn in my side, some sand in my vagina

 I bought Jones a cactus for his birthday which is today and the cactus was covered in what seem like tiny fine little hairs but they’re actually little needles that poke into the skin, thick enough to hurt but thin enough to be a bitch to get out, like a thousand invisible splinters and even 12 hours after I handled it I can still feel them in there.  Why didn’t the florist warn me?  Yeah, I bought it from a florist.  In Spewtown.  He was suitably snobby and uninformative.  I guess if I bought it from a proper nursery I would have been warned and given a bunch of cactus-raising advice, but I’m a masochist, so I always go to Spewtown so I can be treated like the crap scrapped off someone’s shoe just because I don’t own one of those Palestinian scarf things and I come in wearing work clothes and I don’t have nearly enough facial piercings to be cool in Spewtown.   

How appropriate that what I give to Jones should keep on stabbing me all through the day after.

Speaking of how my life has been delayed several years by an undeserving parasite, I didn’t get an offer for uni.  I spent a couple of days being totally devastated and miserable, except when people would ask me a question I was amazingly good at being fake-cheerful, but then they’d leave me alone again and I’d be sinking into my chair OH GOD WHY, I HAVE NO FUTURE, I HAVE NO FUTURE, I AM SHIT, I HAVE NO FUTURE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

But now I’ve mellowed out.  I was even in a good mood yesterday afternoon – that’s rare.  I’m looking at TAFE, Open University, non-award pathways into degrees, even the late round of offers that comes in soon.  I’ve got some nice savings if I don’t get in, and if I just get a different job, maybe things won’t seem so bad.  After all, a few years ago I decided I was probably never going to be able to get a degree and just gave into accepting it, so maybe I can do that again.  My mid-20s crisis will pass soon surely.

So after drinking some proverbial cement, the only thing that bothers me about it is that when they sent me the letter to say why I didn’t get an offer, the reason is "insufficient qualifications".  The ATAR cut-offs for the courses I wanted were between 75 and 78.  My 2001 UAI translates to an ATAR of 90.80 or something like that.  Sure, with that ranking I’m not going to get into law, accounting, or medicine, but Arts/Science?  Even just Arts/Dip Ed?  Not even just plain straight Arts?   If I can’t get into Arts, what can I do?  I’m a little confused.  I emailed them to ask them whether it was my marks from my unfinished B Sc that did it.  If it is, I’m going to be so pissed off at myself for ever attempting that stupid degree.  Forensic chemistry – what was I thinking?  You know what forensic chemists do?  Most of their work is on drugs.  Most of the career opportunities would be helping the police with the war on drugs.  Oh wow, my favourite people, my favourite war.  Perhaps dropping out of that shit was the smartest thing I’ve ever done, in a long history of stupid decisions.  I also asked them to advise me on what I can do to improve my "qualifications", because surely fucking up one degree doesn’t make me untouchable for all eternity, yet what am I meant to do about it?  Go back in a time machine?  If I had a time machine, I would not need to go to university.    I realise griping about this makes me sound like a sore loser, so I emailed them rather than ring them.  I just always have to know why, even after I’ve calmed down and stopped caring so much.

I definitely need to get out of this job.  I don’t even have a proper desk anymore because they’re running out of room.  I’m sick of defending the ineptness of this company and I’m sick of dealing with inept people.  I want a data entry job.  All I want is 8 hours a day of me, a database, and some music.  It won’t happen, but I can dream. 

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January 24, 2011

ryn: Yeah..in retrospect, I’m not that much of a dranker so..I could probably get by without it. Cept red wine..love me some red wine 4 rlz.

January 24, 2011

I’m sorry you didn’t get in 🙁 Ryn: He later said how he just wanted to do things right and tell my sis and I together, blah, blah, blah… I feel a little bad for having such mixed/irritated feelings now. He’s just a big dumb guy. 😛

January 24, 2011

Um everyone knows that cacti have splinters that are thin and hurty, if they’re not big and pointy. Where have you been living all these years? mushroom. and i’m glad you dropped that degree, otherwise you and me would be on either sides of the war.

January 24, 2011

I remembers my first encounter with cactuseseses. They grew in the backyard of my childhood home; I was never specifically told to NOT touch them, I was intrigued by the weird pokey things on em’. So one day I got the bright idea to touch them..and it did not go well. Nopales taste good though..put em in a tortilla with egg and potatoes, si.

January 25, 2011

Course you can sign up. Will

prickly pear thorns are like a fucking virus, I got them on my sleeve once and then threw the shirt in the wash and everything got itchified. The two requirements for state University in the US are body temperature and the ability to pay tuition.

January 27, 2011

That sounds like my dream job too.

January 28, 2011

Yeah, I have friends that really screwed up their first run at college. Now it’s not really clear what they’re supposed to do now that they’re actually ready.

February 3, 2011

Ah balls, tough luck. Any feedback from them since? And is Spewtown a real place? Funniest name for a town ever! Apart from Bastardstown that is (real place about 30mins from where I grew up)

Thanks for the private note sweetie, but I don’t even know you.

February 14, 2011

Oh hai, yesitswell. It wasn’t a private note, honeybunch, it was completely public and signed.

February 15, 2011

Ryn: Yup. Epic to you. Entering into a long term a commitment with someone with no long term employability to me. She’s lucky she tells good jokes.

February 17, 2011

ryn: thanks ese’.

February 25, 2011

Are you an idiot? I DID GIVE MY CHILD UP FOR ADOPTION. That is how my diary started. I am an expert on that subject so yeah I have an idea of what thats like, sweetheart.

March 1, 2011

Actually, you hit the nail on the head.I am kind of jealous. Ive admitted that fact many times. I still however stand with my opinion

April 9, 2011

That cactus sounds like a prickly pear – we used to have a tree of them in my back garden growing up, I spent my childhood trying to get the fine needle hairs out of my skin! Sorry about uni 🙁