My strong granny

My grandmother found out just recently that she has cancer in her right kidney.  She’s having surgery to remove the kidney on Tuesday, and they hope that will be the end of the matter. 

I hate to say it, but I wasn’t entirely surprised.  I was even thinking I shouldn’t move away this year, because she might get really sick and need me to look after her.  She’s had Pluto transiting her natal Mars this year. 

It’s almost like Pluto transits are going around, these last couple of years.  I was first, with a transit to Moon.  It manifested as three versions of losing my job.  My brother was next, overlapping mine, with Pluto passing closely conjunct Venus and Neptune.  He was a mess for over a year.  Couldn’t get anything together.  Then this year my grandmother, with the transit to Mars.  I tell you, I was worried about her.  Her father died under the same transit.  But she’s had three different health crises, and if she survives this one she should be okay, I think.  That’s still a rather significant "if" though. 

I’m surprised how strong my grandmother is, emotionally.  She fell apart a bit at first, but since she got some better news about her condition, she’s pulled herself together a lot.  I guess she coped with the second Pluto pass pretty well too.  She was told she was losing bone density rather badly.  So after freaking out for a bit, she picked herself up and signed up at the local gym… where she’s been working out five days a week ever since.  Not bad for a woman of 78.

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