What have these hands done?
What keys, locks, doors undone?
Belle’s love starved scarecrow locked within the tower
No monster known is knightly or noble but…
Not stone, not iron confines the soul
Her spirit echoes across starry dreams
To pierce the monstrous machinations
Only to find him mired in the chains of dereliction
"Please…" it hangs like silky threads o’er tarnished crown
Hope is stretch just out of arms reach
Dawn tugs her ethereal form back; the beast growls for her retreat
He looks up to meet her with a defiant smile; she vanishes
The monster chases her across the lunar avenues
Stars fall assaulting her escape the gaping jaws so near
Ragged breath escapes her lungs reality purges her back into her body
In spite of it all she smiles; hands concealing another chain taken from him…
Soon my love… Soon…
RYN: thank you for your answer! and intriguing poem, I like it! ~~~>
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RYN: Well, all language is “made up” so humans could express themselves. This is why I’m asking a grotesque amount of people, to see how they interpret a question like that and to see exactly how they choose their words or form of how to express what they believe
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I don’t have to look into your head to see anything incriminating….Have you read your posts? Blood gore and brutal sex….all for entertainment value of course…. ;o)
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But what can I say…I like the stuff….as far as tarzan my friend….I did not know that you were a Disney program….more Scify channel or cinemax…
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Derelict, what a lovely word. Quite the contrary, My Friend, I do not believe it to be crazy that you can follow along.
*happy sigh* Not much different than watching a cartoon, if one’s imagination can fill in the blank. There’s always, at least, two sides to every story; I am cursed with imagining as many possibilities as probable. Prior preparedness prevents poor performance. On guard, Matey!
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what a screw ball
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Good Luck.
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